chapter twenty-nine.

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A/N: imma be honest, im stoned rn so im hoping I dont regret posting this by tomorrow. but enjoy regardless :3


Time couldn't have gone by any slower, but after a long two weeks, Soap and his group finally did it. They finished the mission. This accomplishment came with a cost, though. Soap sat slouched in the aircraft that stopped by to pick them up, a fresh wound cutting down from above his eyebrow down to the corner of his lip. Thankfully, his eye was fine. It happened when they finally caught up to Hassan- one of his men attacked MacTavish, swinging a knife around. It didn't go too deep into his skin, though and honestly, he thought it looked cool.

Target laid in the corner seat, her legs hugged against her chest as she leaned her forehead against her kneecaps, sleeping peacefully. She had gained a battle scar as well, her shoulder patched up from a wound caused by a bullet skimming her skin and causing a gash. When this happened, she just fell backward and stared at the wall with wide eyes as she was stunned, Soap having to help her up urgently as bullets flew around. 

Ghost had collected the dog tags of the deceased members who sacrificed their lives for this job to succeed, sitting across from Soap. Everyone was silent as the group of ten was brought down to five over the course of time, happy with the win but quiet for the respect of those who died. It felt different from when they first arrived. When they first landed here, everyone was laughing and chatting, but as they left the same area two weeks later, it was the complete opposite with silence and solemn.

In Soap's lap was a resting cat with a casted-up leg, nuzzled into MacTavish's stomach, purring faintly. He was absentmindedly running his fingers down Camou's fur, his eyes closed and head leaned back. He was finally going to see Y/n. He sent letters, but only one was able to get through, which was the first one. The past two were rejected for some reason, but somewhere in his mind, he was thankful. He might've regretted them.


Gaz, Y/n and Price waited by the doors as the helicopter landed back on the landing strip. The cold winter air was a big no for them, so they waited inside impatiently. Price was in a good mood knowing the stress of this job was over, Gaz was also cheerful about this, but Y/n felt anxious. She knew about Soap, how he felt, how she felt, so how should she act? She was happy he was back but also knew many things could happen with this new mindset.

The door opened, and Ghost was first to enter, giving a respectful nod to Price. "It wasn't easy, but we did it. You did well sending out the right men," Price and Ghost started chatting, and as this did, Target walked in.

Y/n's mind got distracted from overthinking as Target approached her. 

"No more crutch?! Look at you- and look at you! How are you doing, Gaz?" She went from Y/n to Kyle real quick, the male awkwardly shuffling to the side in hopes to escape this. This was to no avail.

Two more men walked through, and the wait was killing Y/n.

Then John MacTavish walked through the door.

 Y/n soaked in his new feature, their eyes meeting. His dreadful gaze flickered with energy. Everyone seemed distracted with talking to each other, but Soap went straight to her, cradling a stuffed animal. 

The stuffed animal moved. 


It wasn't a stuffed animal.

"Your face-" Y/n started but easily lost her train of thought as Soap held out the kitten to her. "It's so cute!- Where did you get it?" She asked, her body full of adrenaline as she stood in front of MacTavish. Her emotions were everywhere and she didn't know how to contain them properly.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now