chapter two.

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Four hours of traveling was nothing to Y/n, but adding the earlier two hours from her previous flight, she felt miserable. To make it worse she had been trying to sleep but instead just sat there with her eyes closed. It was a pleasant surprise when a very muffled sound of the pilot announced her arrival, the plane's wheels abruptly gliding on the ground after.

Once the cargo plane had stopped and was confirmed safe to exit, Y/n grabbed her backpack and mini suitcase after unbuckling herself and stretching her sore, stiffened legs. She was now on the Task Force base. Finally, the big door opened, revealing the night sky and a welcoming hug of the warmth of Mexico. Distant and close, dim lights were making her already sleep-deprived brain heavy with exhaustion- in conclusion, she had to do a little more stretching just to keep herself awake. She walked out, expecting to see the Captain waiting for her, but was met with no one. She glanced back at the plane as if that was going to help her find her aid. What made matters worse, she had no idea what the Captain looked like.

"Hello?" She felt dumb questioning no one directly, but what else was she supposed to do? She didn't even know where to walk and the pilot was waiting for her to just leave so he could go store his plane wherever they were stored.

'Okay, so... do I just wait?'

In a helpless eye-search, and after a few minutes of waiting, Y/n began to just stroll near the closest building she hoped was the correct building. The sound of her suitcase wheels against the patchy pavement was soothing her to a tired mindset again, which she wanted to avoid. She assumed she had to be awake when the Captain spoke to her.

As she now stood in front of the main door, she prayed it wasn't locked, because then what would she do? Y/n pulled on the door, and to her relief, it opened. Blinding lights met her night-adjusted eyes which caused her to squint, almost hearing her ears ring from the pain. Once her eyes adjusted, she was quick to spot a person near the vending machines and began wondering if that was the Captain. If so, this was not a good first impression. Mainly because it was inappropriate how she had to blindly guide herself around, but the other portion was because she didn't want the Captain's first time seeing her being her shielding herself from the light in a thoughtless manner.

Y/n decided she should ask where Price was before assuming this man was him. Who else could it be, she didn't know. Y/n silently rolled her suitcase behind herself once more, approaching the random whose back faced where she came from.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where I go to meet Captain Price? I was sent by the Lieutenant General for an upcoming mission and the Captain was supposed to meet me at the landing strip."

The soldier turned around from the vending machine right when she spoke, money in his hand as he was about to punch in the number for a bag of chips. The first thing she noticed was how he tensed as she explained her situation, it was a subtle gesture but still notable.

He gave a single nod in understanding, his eyes flickering away from hers for a second before returning the contact, "Yeah, I know who you are. I was actually the one supposed to meet you out there but, um... got a little hungry. Sorry 'bout that. Y/n L/n, right? The names Soap." He offered his free hand out to the girl, and even though she was annoyed by this -her time being wasted outside-, she grabbed his hand and gave a shake.

"I like the name."

"Appreciate it," The man exchanged small talk, moving aside so she wouldn't be exactly behind him as he put the money in the machine, "You want something?"

This wasn't exactly professional. "No, I'll pass." Why was he just being so nonchalant? She pursed her lips before saying, "So why were you sent to pick me up rather than the Captain directly getting me?"

Priorities being first, Soap had punched in the number and letter of his desired item before briefly replying, "He sent me here to introduce you to your room since it's late. You're tired, aren't ya?"

Man was he right. Secretly happy that she can go to bed right away, Y/n just simply nodded and grabbed the handle of her suitcase again, ready to sleep. "Yeah, really tired, actually."

"Then let's get you rested, shall we? Tomorrow will be very busy for you." Soap looked over to Y/n as he said the last part, nodding his head towards a direction, "This way. Need any help?" He questioned, eyeing the suitcase before meeting her eyes.

Y/n grinned at him shortly while denying him. The two then headed towards the barracks with not much noise other than the crunch of a chip every now and then. The walk was a bit of a stretch but Y/n zoned out most of the journey, feeling like a zombie as she was now half awake with a calm mindset knowing she'll be sleeping soon.

Once Y/n's escort opened a door to a small room, Soap wished the newbie a good night and left her alone. Giving a big yawn, Y/n just placed her bags in a corner and crawled into the twin-sized bed. Thank god.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now