chapter three.

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Two loud thuds on the door were not a very preferable way to wake up, but that is just how Y/n's day started. Jolting up in bed, Y/n paused and groaned. "... Yeah?"

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty. You've got a lot going on for you today, so get up and let's go." Came a rough British accent from behind the door. A silent pause was given then the man continued, "I'll give you three minutes to get ready." There was some shuffling noise then a light bump on the wall next to the door, indicating the stranger was waiting on her.

How long did she sleep? Foggily glancing at her phone on the desk, Y/n was shocked to notice it was 4 am. So how long was that... five and a half hours? Not bad. She was internally scrabbling her words as she thought to herself, putting on the new clothes that were left on a desk. Once finished quickly tying her shoelaces, Y/n opened the door and peered around to see a light brunet man waiting on the other side for her, suiting a chops beard. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.

"You look livelier than I thought you'd be at this time." Was that sarcasm, Y/n couldn't tell. "Hope last night wasn't too much of a burden on you- I was supposed to come get you but some things got in the way. Did Soap cause you any trouble?" The talk was enough of an introduction for Y/n to understand this was the Captain. She followed by his side as they both began heading toward wherever Price was going. Maybe it was to his office. Everyone here just loved suspension, huh?

A simple shake of the head was followed with, "Not at all, we didn't really talk anyway." They turned a corner, walking through a big room. "Shepherd told me you would have more information for me about the mission." This wasn't a question but wasn't a confident statement, she was just waiting for him to confirm or deny.

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw Price nod, "Correct. We will discuss that later, though. First, you're going to meet the crew and get some training in, then we will get deeper into what you'll do."

It almost felt like that last part fully woke her up. "Training? With no disregard, I am quite flexible with my abilities, sir. Shouldn't I know what I'm being sent to do before training, anyway?" Y/n glanced over to the male who kept his eyes forward, their walking slowing down. 

The Captain tilted his head in acknowledgment, giving a slow and short nod, "You're new here. What fits my comfort most are the orders I gave you. Do you have any comments on that, L/n?"

So he's really gonna do that. "No sir."


Another door came into view and not much happened between the time of the two entering the room it lead to. It was a spacious room, best decorated for a military place, and smelt like freshly made coffee. Y/n took in the view of the place, also noting two men staring at her and Prices arrival. One of them was familiar from last night.

Oh, make that three. A man in a mask exited from what Y/n assumed was the bathroom.

"Alright, enough with the uncomfortable staring, ya mutts," Price started, both him and Y/n now standing in the little uneven circle they had absentmindedly made. It felt like when the teacher made you stand in front of a new class. 

Y/n's eyes met with Soaps in the comfort of knowing his presence, feeling as if she had to put on an exterior wall to seem more reliable for the mission she was about to be put on. To her surprise though, their gaze was short-lived. It wasn't because he looked away from her, but rather because his eyes dragged down from her face all the way to her ankles, confidence radiating once he met her eyes once more after he took in whatever he was curious about. Was he trying to be intimidating?

"Meet our newest solider, Y/n, who also goes by 'Veil'." Price annunciated the code name, looking between the group. "This is our spy for the Cartel, ranked as one of the best according to Shepherd, so I have very high expectations." Y/n could tell that the last part was meant for her to acknowledge, her eyes locked onto Price as he explained who she was. He continued on a bit but it was half-assed and she appreciated that because now the summarizing was over, feeling a bit squeamish with the attention on her.

"Veil, huh? Like the wedding hat thing?" Soap questioned with a half smile, his curiosity really getting the best of him. 

The air in the room went thick as everyone stood there awkwardly, and Y/n noticed how everyone's expressions were judgemental towards Soap.

"... Sorry."

"Soap, you should be the last person to judge someone's codename." The man on the furthest left interjected to add more salt to Soaps wounds. "If shes a spy then she probably means the disguised veil." This man was also British but it was no where near as harsh as the other accents shes heard.

Y/n nodded in approval toward her defender, eyeing up the quiet one who wore a mask in the corner as she did so. He hasn't spoken once yet. "So... is this the whole crew, correct?"

"Yep, well... at least the people you'll be interacting with. Us four are gonna be helping you stay alive while you're out there vulnerable, so don't get on anyone's nerves." That was definitely a threat for no solid reason. Price was probably just not a morning person.

Pushing past Price's comment, Y/n noticed something. "No other girls?" She cringed after saying that, realizing it probably came off wrong. She knew if she tried to explain herself it would have made it worse, so she just waited dreadfully for her answer.

Soap chuckled as he itched his jaw, staring out the window. "You don't see the two of 'em over here?" That was directed toward the two men Y/n wasn't introduced to yet. 

The masked man sneered. "Oh yeah? We'll see who the true woman is when I-"

"Enough," Price drawled out, interrupting the current bickering. He ran a hand down from his lips and then to his beard, seeming to collect his thoughts as he did, dropping his hand by his side afterward. "L/n, those two over there go by Ghost and Gaz. And you already know Soap. They'll be your aids through the training sessions you're given. Now, I've known these three longer than I'd prefer, but I trust they'll be at least somewhat decent helping you out around here until the mission is in action." The Captain looked at Y/n as he finished up. "Now, did you get all of that?" Y/n opened her mouth but Price continued, "Well you better've, because I'm not repeating myself."

Nodding slowly towards the sudden careless comment, Y/n cleared her throat, "So where's the kitchen?"

"Right, Ghost, you're on babysitting duty today. Show Veil to the kitchen, then right after, you're training her on guns." Price gave a single nod towards Ghost after giving his stated directions, looking at Gaz and Soap. "You two meet me in my office around 6."

"Yes, sir." Ghost obeyed after the others gave their acknowledgment, his gaze on Price as he walked out, then his unreadable eyes then flickering to meet Y/n's. There was a pause of silence. "Well then? Let's get going. Follow me and keep up." 

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now