chapter forty.

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A/N: these next few chapters are going to be a bit slow and short but bear with me!!


Camou's fur clung onto Veils clothes as she nervously approached the interrogation room. Price walked by her side, along with Ghost, the two quiet. Soap had already been lead to the room and waited for the trio's arrival around ten minutes ago.

The Captain put a card against a scanner, a door unlocking afterward. Y/n glimpsed in and took notice of Soap sitting in a chair, his hands tied behind his back. She was expecting a table like normal interrogations, but it was just an empty room with a light above Johnny's alone chair that he sat in.

His eyes looked up at them but locked with Y/n's right away, a calm yet subtle grin appearing on his lips. 

"John MacTavish." Price started off, the soft click of the door closing behind Ghost after the passive-aggressive greeting from Price. 

The masked man leaned against a wall, Veil a few steps ahead of him staring at Soap and Price standing right in front of the allegedly guilty man.

"Why?" Was all Price could say as Johnny remained silent.

Y/n tightened her jaw, watching Soap like a hawk. She wondered the same thing, but with other questions adding up to it. Why was all she could think of to summarize everything that bounced in her brain.

"I don't know what you mean, Captain," Soap's soft words left his mouth with hesitance, his confession being aided by the buzz from the ceiling light. Y/n felt her heart thud in her chest, her eyes going down to his hands that were restricted by ropes. She cringed at the memory of experiencing that.

"You betrayed us. This is my interrogation, I ask the questions, you answer, so don't dick around and just answer me truthfully."

"I really don't know what you want me to say. I'm clueless about what I did."

Price shook his head, "No, I'm pretty sure you do know. We can keep doing this until your jaw falls off, MacTavish, so quit playing the damn victim like you did earlier and tell us why you betrayed me- why you betrayed my team..." Nothing, "NOW." Normally he wouldn't be reacting so emotionally to the situation, but Soap was one of his best buds and best soldiers. Now all their information has been leaked, for months too, and Price could only assume how fucked they were.

Soap licked his lips, glancing at the floor then up to the group, "Please just catch me up with this, Captain. What do you think I did?"


"Yes, sir."

Price pursed his lips in anger, having to take a step back and think this through. He knew what he knew, and it was the sad truth that Soap was guilty. He had to be because then nothing else connected. "You leaked our info to the enemies. You've been working with them. I know you have because they told me and gave very specific, confidential information to confirm it."

The man Veil trusted, the man she slept with, blinked like a deer in headlights. He remained quiet.

"Like what?" He finally asked, his voice weak.

"Like what?!" Ghost repeated, and that reserved personality she saw on him earlier, disappeared. "So you really did turn your back on us?!" He pushed himself off the wall as he expressed himself.

Soap looked away, shaking his head, "You don't understand-"

"Johnny?" Veil asked in disgust, feeling her skin prickle. The room went quiet as Price just sat there trying to hold back his outburst- they needed answers, and just yelling wouldn't help. Plus, it wasn't that easy to beat up a man you trusted for years and bonded with, so Price just needed his moment.

"Veil, trust me, it's not exactly what you guys think. Ok? Trust me-"

"Don't try to swoon the poor girl," Ghost hissed, taking a step away from the wall and getting into view, "You didn't only betray our team and completely fucked us up, but you also try to sweet talk Veil after all this? You truly are pathetic."

Price looked between the group, narrowing his eyebrows, "What, you two had a thing?"

Soap interjected, "That's not the important thing right now-"

"Yeah, it's not. Start talking Soap, because I really am starting to lose my patience." Price grumbled, crossing his arms as he stood in front of MacTavish once more, "Last chance."

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