chapter thirty-one.

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A/N: HEY!!! sorry for this chapter being so rough but happy Christmas Eve!! have a great day y'all, love you guys!! <3


Warmth was next to Y/n as she woke up, her head throbbing and stomach burning from the leftover liquor that slushed in her stomach. She glanced over to see MacTavish sleeping soundlessly beside her, shirtless. She didn't remember doing so, but she had his hoodie over her body, his toned arm wrapped around her. He wore just shorts.

Veil blinked and then felt warmth flutter in her body as memories flooded her brain. Was she too loud last night? Or what if he woke up regretting it? Her thoughts began to overwhelm her, her eyes scanning his sleeping expression. He looked so cute when asleep.

Y/n admired at him for a few more seconds before getting up slowly, grabbing some clean clothes then went to the bathroom to rinse off. She turned on the water then stepped in once it was the perfect temperature. She was grateful to have her own bathroom.

The longer it was thought about, the more uneasy Y/n got with the thought of being in a relationship. At least in this workforce. She wasn't ready to be dedicated to someone who could be dead the next day, or vice versa. If their relationship was exposed then they might be separated, as well.

Her shower was short-lived, dressing up afterward. She prayed Soap was still sleeping, but once she exited her bathroom she spotted him sitting at the edge of the bed with pants on and the flannel that he had worn with the hoodie.

MacTavish looked up once she came in view, his expression hurt. There was some silence between the two. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. He would've been more loving and what not if she just waited for him to wake up, but Soap knew she was just trying to run away from him when she was sober. He could tell she double-guessed the decision but kept his wall up. He couldn't blame her but he wished she would've reacted differently.

Y/n's face burnt red as everything replayed in her head, rubbing her hands together nervously. "Don't you regret it?" She immediately knew that wasn't the correct question to ask but her brain was foggy and he now knew her body inside and out, so obviously she was anxious.

He perked up at her question, his eyebrows slanting, "No! You are nothing for me to regret... You don't feel used, do you?" 

"No, I don't..."

Soap slightly squinted his eyes at her as if that could help see through her better, tilting his head at her hesitance. He scooted over on her bed then patted the spot next to him, "Would you like to talk about it?"

Where did he learn to be so sweet? Y/n glanced to the side before nodding, going to the spot he asked her to sit. He wrapped an arm around her and she just slumped against him, staring off. John kissed the top of her head. 

"It's okay if you're worried. We don't have to be anything for last night to mean something and I don't expect anything from it," He was nervous to comfort her but would risk the chance just so they could still be friends. "Just a thing between you and me, alright?" He rubbed her arm.

"I just don't think being in a relationship in such a dangerous field is a good idea for me. At least right now. I don't know why..." She felt dumb saying that, and it was pretty stupid, but she would feel constantly worried and that wasn't something she was prepared for. 

MacTavish nodded, fully understanding her, "That's just fine. Just know I'm always here for you, ok?"

Y/n bit the inside of her cheeks as she stumbled upon saying something. Should she? Yeah.

"Yeah... last night was really nice though, so we could... uh, we could hook up every now and then if you're ok with it," She felt his breath halt in his chest, knowing hers did as well.

Joy rapidly spread through Soaps body but he tried his best to contain himself so she didn't get weirded out, "Yeah- I mean hell, I'm always available for you, bonnie. You've got me." He was relieved at how she was handling this.

"Bonnie?" Y/n asked, feeling her heart break. Did he think she was someone else, somehow? Or did the name naturally fall off his lips?

Soap looked at her with confusion, blinking as it registered. "It's just a Scottish thing."

That was a good response, better than what Y/n had assumed it was. "A Scottish thing? What does it mean?"

"It means beautiful. You're very beautiful."

Flattered, Y/n shifted a bit so she could face him a bit more, invested. "Tell me more."

"More? I'd love to, let me think... Hmm... I mean you have a very cute voice too and I like how you-"

"No no, I mean Scottish. I'm curious."

Ohh. Happy she was so interested in his origin, Soap glanced up in thought and gave a hum. "Give me something, I'll let you know if there's a translation."


Thrown off by her swiftness, Soap then felt bit hurt by how quick she was for that nickname, looking at her with a judging glare. "... Eejit." At first he thought she was just straight up calling him and idiot. Might as well be that though, right?

Y/n broke into a wide smile, "Noted- you won't expect it when it happens."

Soap chuckled, shaking his head, "I took the courtesy to teach you my slang and you're just gonna use it against me? You're a cruel girl, Veil."

She rolled her eyes at his comment but their time was interrupted with knocking.



Soap jolted up but it was too late as the Aussie opened the door to witness the two. Her eyes widened and looked at Soap. Then Y/n. Then Soap. Then Y/n. 

"Oh- are you two-!?"

MacTavish didn't even hesitate, "She got an important letter from home and needed comfort- the hell is wrong with you, Target? Do you always just allow yourself in her bloody room?! Jesus Christ- Out!" It was evident he was flustered by how he spoke to the girl, but it was ok because he was really over how privileged she acted. Most importantly, he knew Y/n wanted their intimacy to be private. Kiley quickly shut the door after his demand.

Soap pursed his lips, looking over to Veil. "Let's get some breakfast."

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