chapter twenty-two.

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A/N: Sorry for the bad chapter, this one was a bit rushed but I promise tomorrow's chapter will be better!


"So... physical therapy, huh?" Soap queried as he walked by his friend's side.

A week had passed since the shower incident and Y/n had been given a lot of information. Price had surprisingly allowed her to join the Task Force since she was able to get some decent data for the mission to be more likely successful. It shocked her because she literally had been followed, without being aware, to the safe house that one night and they found out the Task Force was going to attack them, so they could do the same thing any time they wanted, even after proving their point that they didn't like that.

Yet Price accepted her. How did he get convinced, she had no idea. But he threatened her with one thing.

He did want to see progress with her abilities.

And that included combat, shooting, and awareness -since she got tortured in the first place because she had her guard down-. She was given those as a goal to improve, and physical therapy was the first step to getting there. Veil was a bit taken aback since she just got the surgery done, but this was the military, and she was lucky to even have time to better herself. Plus a week in was mercy since she slipped up badly with the mission she had been given originally.

"Yeah. Thank you for helping me with this, by the way. I would feel bad having to ask around for help again. I appreciate your time," Veil had MacTavish spot her while she started her first day of training her leg back to normal.

It was better now than later to work out because some other news popped up the previous day. The team had to move bases to Canada by tomorrow due to some sketchy relevance with the Cartel -surprise, surprise-, and they weren't taking their chances.

"Mm, you just always catch me when I'm not busy," John teased, sitting on a bench in front of Y/n. They went quiet, and he began to talk once more. "You know, for someone who just-"

"If you're gonna insult me Soap, I swear-. I need motivation," Y/n knew he always threw in random things when their conversations went plain, but she never knew what to expect. She wasn't in the best mood today, either.

MacTavish bit back a grin, his eyes locked on her. 

He also had gotten information over the week. He was to be sent away on a mission with Target and Ghost to capture Hassan and whatnot, and this would happen the same day they arrive in Canada, so he was trying to spend as much quality time with Y/n as he could. He knew he could die any day while he was gone. It was the hard truth, but it was something he was okay with acknowledging.

Why her, he truly didn't know. As the week passed he found himself admiring her more, whether it was from how strong she was for being able to walk and sleep among their enemies back at the Cartel, or even how she cried while talking to Alejandro about Jarvis -this will be important later on-, he found many good quirks.

Soap pushed himself off the bench, heading over as he saw her slowly begin to lean her crutch against a wall. "Alright. You ready?" Obviously he was going to make sure she was prepared for the pain.

"Popped some percocets earlier, I should be just great."

Caught off guard by her words, Soap let out a humored exhale as he helped her set aside the crutch. "I like the spirit. So- first things first. We gotta help you put pressure on that leg of yours. Think you can do it?"

Y/n looked into his eyes before moving them down to look at her leg. She was able to have her foot on the floor and shift her weight more towards her right leg, the uninjured, but she needed to swap that now. She nervously started to move her body to her left foot, a burning sensation piercing her thigh. She grunted then grabbed onto a workout machine next to her, noticing Soap's reflex to reach out towards her.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now