chapter eight.

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A/N: this chapter is a bit longer than the other ones, hope you enjoy! !!Trigger Warning!! There are some dark innuendos. 


Decisions were never a problem with making, everything was always tied up at the end, and tomorrow was a new day and all. But damn this current today -which was yesterday's tomorrow- started off rough for Y/n as her decision from the day before affected her strongly. Her head pounded throughout the whole day, all through breakfast and even lunch, but the headache, nausea, and dry mouth slowly started to fade near the time she was preparing for her take off to the Cartel. Slowly.

After lacing up her shoes, the girl was set. She had a bag on her shoulder full of her belongings, walking out to the landing strip where three men talked, a tactical vehicle up and ready to be used behind them. She only recognized Soap. As she got closer her sudden appearance caused all to look at her.

"There she is! Our spy on the inside. Pleasure being able to meet you- heard very little about you but your position sure is enough for me to know you are one strong bastard. You go by Veil, correct? I'm Alejandro, and this is my second-in-command, Rodolfo." Newly introduced as Alejandro, the man reached his hand out to Y/n, and she met the distance by grabbing it and giving a formal shake.

She smiled to be polite, "Nice to meet you both- I'm assuming you're the one with the connection... kind of ironic how a military man is friends with his enemy." She tilted her chin up a bit and leaned her head to the side near the end of her remark with a cocky smirk. 

"Well, he's been my friend since we were in diapers. The poor man was basically forced into the lifestyle, there's no going back for him as of now. He's my brother though, so his loyalty is not to be doubted. I assure you that much." 

 Y/n looked over to Soap. He had his thumbs locked behind his backpack straps, his eyes already settled on her. This asshole doesn't even seem affected by the hangover- did he even have one? 

"You ready?" Soap questioned her, the other two awaiting her reply.


"Attagirl. Let's get moving, then," Soap looked over to the two men when speaking the demand, giving a side nod towards the car as he started moving over to the passenger side. Alejandro and Y/n shared a glance before getting to their spots as well. 

She climbed into the seat behind the driver's seat, Rodolfo in front of her, Alejandro in the passenger, and Soap behind the passenger seat. 

Rodolfo spoke over to shoulder, "Hope you don't have car sickness because it's a few hours of driving." 

"I thought we were flying?" Y/n questioned.

"The distance isn't that far, besides if we flew it would be a hike to the building that you need to go to," Alejandro informed. After acknowledging him, the car started toward the destination


The first hour in was a breeze. Y/n spent most of her time staring out the window as she listened to the two up front chat, music softly playing. Soap had been quiet for a bit, and as curiosity did its thing, Y/n glanced over to see what he was up to. To her surprise, she spotted him focused on a journal, his left ankle resting against the opposing knee to support the journal on the propped leg's calf. What was he writing?

"Didn't know you had a diary, MacTavish. Very cute." She commented, her eyes on his book but shifted to his face when he looked over, a light yet teasing smile on her face. 

Soap also smiled as he returned his eyes back to the journal, but this time he leaned more towards his door after he realized she noticed. "Are you going to judge me? If so, that's very sexist of you, L/n. Us men have feelings too."

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now