chapter thirteen.

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It was day nine of working in the Cartel. Y/n gathered information between her time, thank god, and she had been visiting Soap every other night and trading information. She felt very uncertain as the man who punched her had been keeping a close eye on her every time her break started and always questioned things when she returned, but she knew he was probably just trying to find things to argue about. He seemed miserable like that.

Y/n had moved up a few floors over a course of a week, it wasn't because she was any significance to the job but just because the positions altered every now and then. She was currently leaning against her chair across from Johnny once more, his company being very comforting for her since they hit it off easily. He always wore the dog tag on top of his shirt and Y/n noticed but never commented on it.

"Alright, you ready to head back?" Soap questioned after they finished up their daily ending discussion. He was good about that- always asking if she was ready before actually departing. He had pushed himself off his chair as he asked, his eyes settled on her.

"Yeah- oh actually, one last thing. It's a little odd, but it's a request." Y/n started, walking a bit towards Soap. Raising an eyebrow, Soap shot her his curiosity with a hum. Y/n glanced down at the ground as she approached, stretching out her hand toward him. She drawled out her first word, "Can you massage my hand? I know it's weird, sorry, but it's really cramped from holding my gun all day. When I try to do it myself it doesn't work."

Soap blinked, looking down at her open palm and then towards her eyes again. Was she being serious? I mean, it wasn't even that bad of a request, but why did he feel weird about it? Or was weird even the right word? He caved in. "Sure. Here, come a little closer so you don't hurt your arm." He was gentle, softly grabbing the back of her hand to guide her toward him and letting her get a bit closer. He pressed his thumbs into the soft flesh of her palm, noting how warm and tender it was as he pressed and moved the padding of his thumbs over her hand. He focused on his movements, watching her fingers twitch whenever he did a good pressure, his eyes flickering up to her face. Her eyes were on the action, simply observing.

After a good minute, he stopped, letting her hand drop. He gave her shoulder a pat, "Alright, good?" He felt a very light sensation in his stomach, almost like he was getting sick. Once Y/n grinned and thanked him, he continued. "Good, I'll see you two days from now. I can give you a longer massage if you ask earlier, deal?"

"Thanks Soap. Stay safe."


Tossing and turning. That's all Soap could do in his bed, his hand on his forehead as he stared at the ceiling. What was going on? He really did feel sick, but even when he asked Ghost to feel his forehead -the masked man reluctantly doing so and intentionally hitting the back of his hand on Soaps forehead-, he was told he didn't have a fever. Although, this feeling was present on the ride to go see Y/n, so maybe he had car sickness that lasted. 

Knock, knock.

It was literally one in the morning yet there were two gentle raps on the door. This wasn't exactly how he wanted his night to end, but here we were. He closed his eyes and took in a breath to calm himself. Groggily the man sat up, rubbing his face. "What?"

The door opened slowly, the squeak of the hinges making Soap's nerves raise even more. Light peaked through the door, and a slim lady stood at the doorway. "Was wondering if you had some toothpaste I could borrow?" She had a beautiful accent, Soap couldn't really identify what it was -not that he found it beautiful-, but he didn't care to ask where she was from over the time of knowing her. 

MacTavish waved his hand dismissively. "No. My toothpaste is mine only, sorry. Night." He nudged the door to close with his hand, and the lady just silently closed the door afterward. It was one in the morning. Was it really that important? 

The girl who bothered him was the new soldier, Kiley, or some shit. He didn't pay attention to her, she just bothered him and everyone else constantly throughout the days for her name to be known by now. He was thankful for one thing she did though, as her interaction was enough to knock him out right away.


Rain was pelting the ground, starting with small little droplets and moving towards the next step of soaking the ground, as well as everything around and in range. It was the next day and the start was pretty gloomy. Y/n was smart enough to bring an umbrella with her on the short walk she took, and it was refreshing as it came to an end, her mind cleared up from thoughts she had. She approached the Gonzalez house, spotting Jarvis smoking a cigarette on the porch. 

"How're you holding up?" Y/n closed her umbrella, setting it in the little umbrella holder, taking her side next to Jarvis. They were both leaning forward against the railing, wrists hanging off. She studied the houses in front of his home, looking over to study Jarvis.

He drawled in the toxic smoke, letting it go slowly, bringing the cigarette down as he leaned his forearms against the porch railing. "I'm good, just taking a moment to think. Looks like you did the same," he motioned towards where she came from, "you doing alright?" He took in more of his smoke.

"I'm good. Feeling a bit homesick, but other than that you guys are helping me out through this. I really do appreciate it... but I have a question," Once she mentioned that last part he nodded slowly, looking over to her as permission to continue, "aren't you worried?"

Jarvis let out a chuckle, looking ahead once more, "I've been scared all my life and for a lot of reasons too. Worried about what, though?"

Y/n fidgeted with her fingers, looking down at her hands. "You're risking your family allowing me to stay here. Allowing me to be associated with you. What if I fail and they find out you're helping a spy to crack them?" Over the week Y/n has stayed here with the lovely residence, she has begun to overthink her skills as she got closer to the family. The children had so much spirit, Mrs. Gonzalez was such a warm-hearted lady and Jarvis was so open and caring. This whole perfect family was so close to danger with Y/n staying with them.

Jarvis grunted to show acknowledgment, allowing himself to exhale before replying to her. "My family has never been safe with my lifestyle. I've had many slip-ups and when those happened, I would stay up all night in fear. I couldn't fight off all those men even if I wanted to." He looked over at her once more. "I love my family. I love them so much that I have faith in you to win this so we can be freed from this as well. So whatever you do, I'm with it. You've shown me enough to know you are more than a soldier in my house, you're also a good person."

Veil was touched, and as much as his words meant to her, they only made her feel less assured. Before she could reply, he smushed his cigarette top in the ashtray and then bumped his elbow into her arm as a friendly gesture. "Relax. I know Alejandro will do all he can to protect my family as well, so we are safe." That was the last thing he said to finish up the conversation, heading inside.

Y/n followed shortly after, deciding to rest up a bit before her shift. Today was going to be hard.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now