chapter five.

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The morning arrived faster than Y/n would have preferred. She had to remind herself that she was here suffering for a good cause- to get this mission over with in order to have the privilege of going home and relaxing for a good while. Isn't it funny her home was considered a vacation? She could relax in her own bed and be able to splay across her queen without worry rather than cramped in a twin bed every night and risking her life the next day.

Her mind racing in a haze, Y/n looked at herself in the mirror as she tied her hair up, then proceeded to check herself out in her cargo pants and snug tan shirt. Today was going to be a bit different than the previous one. She will be hand training against Soap. Why did she have to alter between the group for her skills to be tested? Well, maybe the different experiences? Soap seemed to have more of a personality, so she prayed this would be a way for her to bond with someone here. Veil gave a very big stretch before exiting her room. What made her groan was the fact that it was raining and early as hell- 4 am. Apparently, it was just her luck to arrive in Mexico at the time she did, because it only rained rarely on certain months.

She mentally sighed as she continued her walk, spotting Soap by the door. He leaned against the wall lazily, his head tilted back as he had his eyes closed. Guess it made sense for him to wait for her rather than in the rain at dark. 

Y/n's thoughts went back to last night, but she decided to suppress them as in means of getting this done. "Good morning." She greeted him casually, smiling after his eyes locked on her. She got returned with a quick grin and a quick nod, and it was obviously forced. He pushed himself off the wall.

"Morning, L/n. It's fuckin' dreich out, so be prepared to slip a bit." He spoke once they walked outside, the air smelling warm and like fresh rain. "So, you ready to get your ass handed to ya?" Soap was also prepared for the rain as he was dressed in a black shirt and camouflage cargo pants. 

"Mm, I respect the confidence."

"Aye. I heard you're experienced with combat, so I wanted to test your ability myself." Johnny glanced over to Y/n, his eyes scanning her face for any reaction. Y/n just continued looking ahead with not much expression, but she did give a hum for a reply. "Come on... at least act a little worried so you can boost my ego." 

Y/n's lips tightened into a smirk, "You don't scare me."

"I will."

"Oh so now you're threatening me, MacTavish?" Her shoulders were getting tapped by raindrops as they both were approaching the big field. It was all Price's idea to get some practice in the rainy weather due to Y/n being a successful spy, and since she was successful with barely any threats during her missions, there probably hasn't been a recent time she's had close combat. She still trained though, so she saw this as a bit obnoxious- humiliating.

A sly grin fell on the Soap's lips after Y/n's playful response, "Perhaps I am."

Y/n questioned if teasing was a good idea, she didn't want him to assume she was flirting. Then again, she's briefly seen how the boys interact and it isn't much different- Soap and Ghost were damn near ruthless to each other. "You probably won't take me down easily."

"Keep testing me."

They finally made their way onto the field, the sky dark gray and the ground shades darker than usual. Soap easily pointed over to a spot for Veil to head towards as he rubbed his nose, walking over a few steps in front of her once she was positioned. "So, the only rules are not to kill each other. No weapons. And for the love of god, please be mindful of where you're kicking."

Y/n laughed softly at the last part, raindrops soaking into her skin. "Gotcha. When do we start?"

Soap raised an eyebrow, shifting a bit into a defensive stance. "Now will do. Let's start with you attacking me then we switch it off to you defending, then we both attack." 

After rendering his information, Y/n also got into a slight position as she started to mentally prepare. How should she go about this? She didn't want to just stand there, so within four seconds of silence she lunged at him, her fist aimed for his jugular, but that got rejected as he grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him, turning her around and pulling her into his chest so she was blind and vulnerable towards him. These actions were simple but happened in a blink of an eye. "Easy." Soap drawled in a mumble near her ear. 

Expecting her movements to be altered, Y/n elbowed into his side and freed herself, spinning around to face him once more and sending a swift decoy towards the same area, flanking it and using her other hand to connect to his stomach. He was experienced, defending himself perfectly.

Y/n studied him within every split second she had, aiming another punch for his head. This time he locked her arm in place by wrapping his arms around her neck, her arm now projected at an awkward angle, beginning to push her back in an attempt to push her to the ground. Veil noticed this and returned the defense by kneeing into his stomach, freeing herself once more. She figured she could just start by throwing punches at him to see his pattern of defense before lunging her whole body at him once more. She threw several and he just used his palm or forearm in a quick manner to stop her attacks.

This little exchange went on for about ten minutes. Then five more. Y/n was unsuccessful in catching him with a low guard, but she had an idea. Breathing heavily from the constant quick movements, Y/n proceeded to throw multiple quick hand attacks before throwing a sideways punch toward his face, and once he blocked that she grabbed his free hand and locked the same balled hand into the opposite side of his face, roughly colliding her elbow under his chin and shoving him back.

Stumbling back with his hand located on his jaw, the man gave a hoarse chuckle. "Not bad. Alright. Now we switch." He definitely was waiting for her to make some damage.

Still consumed by pride, Y/n was quickly met off guard when his body flew into hers. It's almost as if he expected her to be vulnerable as he grabbed her dominant hand and swiftly stomped on her foot. Once she moved her pulsing foot, he locked his own ankle behind it and unbalanced her, making her knees buckle, then shoved her to the ground. He was now hovering over Veil. In retaliation, Y/n attempted to throw her free hand at him. "Yeah right." Soap breathed out, roughly grabbing that hand as well, both of her hands pinned next to her head now.

She stared at him with wide eyes, still shocked by what happened. Soap found this funny as a side smile appeared, the rain that pelted down onto his body dripping down onto her own skin and clothing. "You really think in real life your attacker will give you time to adjust?"

"I think in real life my attacker would've killed me by now." Y/n breathlessly retorted, her eyes locked on him

"Ah, I barely know ya. Give me a week."

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now