chapter twelve.

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Soap made his way toward the car where Alejandro and Rodolfo waited for him. He waited until Y/n was in the clear to leave, watched her head out to make sure all was good, then started returning back to his area.

"So? What'd she say?" Alejandro poked as soon as Soap came into closer earshot, watching his approach. 

Soap just shook his head, "Nothing much, sadly." He was about to continue but for some reason, his mouth hesitated. 

"Nothing much? You were in there for an hour, brother." Rodolfo chuckled into his words, an eyebrow raised as a smile was present. "What did you two do, then?" He pressed, it wasn't in a malicious or rude way, but anyone would be curious as to why time went by so slowly for no information to be tossed around.

MacTavish bit back his grin as he opened the door to the backseat, "Just talked." He said, following that with getting settled in his seat and then closing the door behind him.


Very grave mistake telling Soap the American term for football/soccer. Not only was he devastated, but he also lectured her on all he knew. She probably has never been insulted so many times in a single conversation in her life. Anyway, it was a new day and Y/n was just waking up from her bed, flinching at the tenderness around her eye as she rubbed the sleep away. The air smelt of bacon and other wonderful things that caused her mouth to water which instantly woke her up early. Which wasn't a bad thing because she had plans she wanted to achieve.

Laughter was heard from the kitchen as well as some light music, a grin stretching its way onto Veil's lips. This family was happy, something she's never really experienced seeing, so it was a good change.

"Y/n! Good morning!" Mrs. Gonzalez announced, setting two plates down on the table, the other plates already settled. She glanced up then frowned, "Oh querida, that bruise on your cheek looks so painful. Are you alright?" English wasn't her strong suit, but she did very well for someone who mainly spoke Spanish all her life. Selena and Thiago glanced up once heard Y/n appear.

"Oh it's just a little bruise, don't worry, Mrs." Y/n dismissed, making her way to the table. 

Jarvis was busy filling up cups for the family, looking over his shoulder. "Hey, you're up on time for once! What do you want to drink?" Once Veil thanked him and got her desired drink, the whole family got situated at the table.

"So you're like really Mr. Alejandros friend? I've never heard of you," Selena, a young girl who had started warming up to Y/n, spoke as she poked at her plate. Her mother gave a shooting look towards the child, who had then stopped stabbing at her food, looking back over to Y/n as she waited for an answer.

"Yeah! He and I work in the same workforce," Veil replied sweetly, eyeing up her food after responding. 

"So you're a soldier?" Thiago, the son who was a bit older than Selena, took his turn and questioned. "Do you shoot people?"

Mrs. Gonzalez shot up, "Hijo!" she glared over at her son as any parent would, looking over to L/n with shame. "I'm so sorry about his lack of mind."

"Oh, no worries, I get it. Thank you for the food," Y/n changed the subject, looking down at her plate full of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Of course, she had her favorite drink on the table, so this whole meal was an amazing start to her day.


Y/n always loved interacting with the family. Sometimes she did feel like she was intruding on their perfect life, but whenever she expressed this concern the family denied it as if she insulted them.

Now she walked around town by herself, wanting to experience the beauty of Mexico before she was to leave later. Her shift wasn't until later, so she had time. Many marketers called out for her to try some of their food, others just gave a nod of greeting, and you bet that Y/n almost caved into every place. Her eyes were set on a specific place though, it was a little candle store. She walked in, undescribable scents hitting her nose all at once.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now