chapter twenty-eight.

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"Sweet bloody Jesus-!"

"What!? ...Soap?" Ghost's voice was muffled and alarmed, rounding a corner to see Soap who was a few steps behind, witnessing the man stare at the body of a young girl. Ghosts eyes flickered up to MacTavish's stunned expression, seeing the pain. "War spares no one. It's unfortunate but we can't do anything to prevent it other than winning. Come on now, you're falling behind."

Target was bundled in her own clothing, the group walking through a little recently attacked town. She chatted with one of her female friends, ahead with the rest of the group. They were in Russia, trenching through snow-licked grounds as it was icy. The reason they set up base in Canada was due to the dangers of having to switch locations again- if they set up base in Russia, then there was a higher chance they would get spotted and attacked.

Ghost, Soap and Target were in a group of ten, the others walking ahead from Ghost and Soap who were staggered behind now. The two men continued their walk, the sound of snow and glass crunching beneath their boots. It was sad how the lives in this broken-down place were instantly gone just because they were in the way of the enemies. Killed by their own.

"These bastards are blood-thirsty," John commented in discomfort as he spotted more bodies in the distance, walking by Riley's side. He was used to seeing dead bodies -deceased by him or not- but he would never normalize children. It enraged him. 

"They'll get what's coming for them, Johnny. For now, let's focus on getting to our next location."

Soap held onto his gun absentmindedly and it was due to the preparation for any surprise attacks. The freezing wind brushed along his cheeks and kissed them with coldness, his face blushing from the harsh weather. 

The only noise audible was the whistling of the wind, and Soaps mind-brewed up questions and statements as they walked in the quiet for a few. "You ever plan to be a father, Ghost?" He couldn't vision it by how numb he was to things like this, if he's numb to this sight then would he be emotionally vulnerable to his own offspring?

"If that day ever comes then I'll be surprised. As of right now, my main concern is getting this over with," The man replied, both walking side by side. There was some silence as Ghost thought about it. "Don't think a child would be in my best interest with a job like this, anyway."

MacTavish understood that part. He wouldn't want to leave his own kid fatherless if he ever did get the pleasure of being a dad. The missions he took were too risky. "You never know. You could retire then find yourself a bonnie bride," He nudged the Lieutenant with his elbow.

The taller one shook his head, "Relationships are just as risky. Being tied to a responsibility to stay alive for anyone will only weigh me down."

Soap pursed his lips, giving a short-lived nod. He also knew that, but somewhere in his mind, he disagreed with it. "You're a smart man, LT."

"I'm a logical one."

"That you are," John glanced over his shoulder as he spoke, his eyes focused on rubble. It wasn't just rubble though. Without saying anything, Soap once more stopped his walking then approached the mound of broken down rocks. Ghost was about to call out to him once more, annoyed by the sudden stops, but then noticed what caught John's attention.

"Easy, girl..." Soap cautioned, crouching down in front of a kitten, the feline's fur stained with black smoke and dark red blotches. The cat's leg was stuck under a pile of rocks, but it stood its ground and bared its teeth at Soap, its fur fluffed out. Soap sadly ignored its siblings that were unlucky with the fall, now resting forever.

Ghost looked up at the sky, glancing over his shoulder at the group as they continued their walk. Target noticed their disappearance, heading over.

Target raised her chin in an attempt to see what Soap was looking at, approaching with her gun in hand. "Is that a kitty?" She questioned, her arm brushing Ghost's as she walked past him and got closer to Soap. "Crikey! Ain't that the saddest thing." Did she not see the families and people lying around?

Soap tightened his lips in annoyance as Target spoke, his eyes locked on the scared animal. "I just wanna help you... it's ok..." He swiftly moved aside the main rock that crushed its leg, taking a few steps back as the tiny cat hissed and swatted at him.

Now that it was free, the cat tried to run off but ended up stumbling. It looked like it just learned to walk, so the fact that its leg was useless probably didn't help. The kitten tried again but kept jerking its leg up and tumbling. "Ghost... we can't just leave it."

"He's right, look at the poor baby," Kiley's gaze was full of sadness, crouching next to Soap as she kept her eyes on the kitten that was frantically licking its wounded area. 

Ghost didn't hesitate, "Like I said; war doesn't spare anyone. We don't have a place to keep it and don't even have food for it, either. Natural selection isn't fair but thats just the way things work."

Soap shook his head, grabbing the kitten that growled and kissed, his claws digging into the thick gloves that protected MacTavish's hands from the blistering cold. "It's not natural selection if humans did this. The fella didn't stand a chance and seeing how his siblings got dealt with, I say he's strong enough to survive a little longer." Soap scratched his finger softly behind the kitten's ear, unzipping his jacket then placed the tiny being in his coat to keep it warm.

"Can I name it?!" Target exclaimed, petting the kittens head that poked up from Soap's neckline as he zipped his jacket up again. The cat seemed to relax, its eyes wide and ears back, but it knew it was safe. "Ohhh, how about Splinter?"

Soap shook his head and narrowed his eyebrows, the three walking once more, "Splinter is a horrible name," he didn't even try spare Kileys feelings.

"Don't bloody name it, then you'll get attached," Ghost warned, his gaze ahead.

Something in Soaps brain clicked. It reminded him of Veil since both of their legs are hurt. Ignoring Ghost, Soap then spoke, "I think Camou. It's got that camouflage pattern, plus it sort of reminds me of Veil since its leg is hurt. Veil means disguised, Camou means the same thing."

Targets expression dropped but she remained silent, looking at Soap. "You're seriously thinking of Veil right now? The cat's leg is broken and Veil is just fine the way she is." 

Soap looked at Target with judgment, "I'm saving it, aren't I? It's not that serious, it's just a name. And L/n isn't fine, her whole body got hurt," He defended his girl, looking down at the kitten. It was breathing rapidly but rested against his warm body with its eyes closed.

Simon flared his nostrils, his eyes ahead. He didn't want to antagonize Soap more about Y/n, but it worried him how close he was getting with the girl. With what he knew, Veil was bad news to his friend. "You're feeding it and taking care of it. If it dies, then it dies and we continue our mission," He glanced at the kitten, "...It is cute, though." He gave in. 

"You got called cute, Camou," Soap informed the kitten in an adoring tone, using his finger to pet the tiny cats head. "I can hunt for some rabbits or any meat for that matter. I'm sure the people back at the base will love her." He hoped Veil and Camou would connect so they could recover together.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now