chapter twenty-six.

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Y/n knew she wasn't the brightest, but she was now facing the consequence of her procrastination from earlier. 

The regret started right with her eating a bowl of cereal then accidentally tipping the bowl too far forward, milk splashing onto her clothes. That wouldn't have been too bad if it was a day she preplanned her clothes, but this was her last clean shirt and the rest were in the wash. If she had just washed her clothes the night prior, then she wouldn't be heading to Soaps' room for a new shirt. She knew he left some behind, and he never would need to know she had to sneak one of his black shirts.

She luckily had clean sweatpants in her room, having to go through the struggle of putting those on, then after that she was on her way to John's room. There was no hesitance as she knew if Soap was here, he would've offered his shirt to her in a heartbeat.

Five days have passed since their little party left and continued the mission that was seemingly so close to being finished, and Y/n had just been hanging out with Gaz or some of the other members part of the British Army that tagged along to the Canadian base. Soaps group couldn't reach out over the radios unless it was mission-related, Y/n didn't know why that was, but she was told thats what's happening and she didn't have any access to a walkie- so even if she did want to listen in, she couldn't

Twisting the doorknob, Y/n peeked into the room before gradually making herself welcomed, going straight toward Soaps closet. She opened up the doors and found that he hadn't packed away his clothes yet, glancing around for his suitcase. It was on his bed, and she felt dumb for not noticing it earlier.

Y/n headed towards the case and then second-guessed herself. Was she pushing her boundaries? She glanced down at her soaked and stained shirt, discomfort filling her body as the wet material clung to her body. It wouldn't be the end of the world. She opened the suitcase, grateful this man knew how to fold his clothes rather than crumple them up and put them in the case.

She set aside his pants that he had for the first layer of clothes, his socks and undergarments as well, but right on top of his shirts was his journal.

And it was opened on a page.

Her eyes shamefully caught what was doodled around the pages as curiosity did hit her as it would for anyone else. His art was very well, much better than Veil expected at least. She admired it.

There was a sketch of a deer, some sketches of hands for reference, a little doodle of a soccer ball, but one really caught her eye, and it was by far the most detailed one.

It was her.

Her name was neatly labeled under it, and the sketch was of her smiling all bright-eyed right back at her. It was weird, the drawing looked just like her, but there was some charisma in it that she never recognized in herself.

Dumbfounded, Y/n studied the doodle for a few more seconds as butterflies danced in her stomach, her finger gently brushing the page. It really was her, and the date was labeled back to about a week ago.

It was funny, she had known him for about a month but they clicked so easily, their friendship feeling authentic and genuine from the start. She was just wondering why it was her he took interest in. She had flaws, many of them, but this drawing was enough to show that in his eyes at least, she was perfect. She found a little heart neatly added next to her head, but that little piece really tied it together.

Picking up the book as if it was the most fragile thing, Y/n decided to put it aside on the bed and resumed what she started, grabbing a shirt that smelt faintly of MacTavish. She swapped shirts, her dirty one over her shoulder, putting his clothing and journal back. She left his room with a grin etched onto her face, heading toward the laundry room with her milk-drenched shirt.


Gaz caught Y/n in the lounge room watching tv, his day full of boredom. He was an observant man, but it didn't take much for anyone to notice that shirt Y/n wore was a size or two bigger on her frame. He quickly connected that it was Soaps, not doubting for a second that it was anyone else's. He made his way over behind the couch across from Veil, leaning his forearms on the back  of the gray furniture. He looked at her side profile as the couch was an L shape and she sat in the middle, himself on her far right.

This lounge room was different, and in a much more appealing way. There were big windows revealing the woods, snow covering the ground and blanketing nature outside. The room, though, was a bit smaller than the last one, aesthetically touched with beautiful decoration.

"You bored?"

"Yep," Veil responded, not removing her eyes from the screen that played some family game show.

Gaz looked at the screen as well out of interest before looking back at her midway through his next sentence, "Same here... Well, if we're both bored then we might as well go to the mall. Whatcha say?" He took a liking to Y/n, not in a romantic way but in a chaotic friendship type of way. They usually teamed up and bother Price, which was just his plan and Y/n knew it as she met his smug face with her own smirk.


"You both are adults, go to the mall yourself," Price was found and cornered in the cafeteria, both Garrick and Veil standing in front of him. He ate his food peacefully even though his two soldiers were pestering him.

"When's the last time you had a break from work, sir? Laswell can cover you as we go out." There was some silence. "You won't regret it," Gaz was a respectful man, especially toward his boss, but he was also a persuasive one to get his point through.

John Price glared up at Kyle, Y/n watching as he squinted toward both of them. "I have men out risking their lives right now depending on me to keep them in check and you two seriously think I'm gonna-"

Grouchy as ever, Price glared ahead of himself as Y/n and Gaz walked by his side in the outlet store, had been dragged by the two gown up children. They had a bounce in their step as he was sandwiched between the two, listening to them talk to each other, reluctantly entering stores with them. He was a Captain to a high ranked system, yet here he was smelling perfumes Y/n offered in front of his face and giving her a simple yes or no to if they were good.

Gaz found this funny, every so often holding up shirts in front of the older man when they came across clothing stores. "You would really pull this one off, sir."

"Oh you think so?" Price played along for Gaz's entertainment, watching Y/n nod her head in agreement from the corner of his eye. "How much?"

"This is..." Kyle looked at the tag, "40 Canadian dollars. Very worth it- you'll be getting all the ladies."

Price was stone faced as he had his gaze locked on Gaz's face, raising an eyebrow. "I don't need any woman right now."

Gaz shrugged as if it was a question, a charming smile following after, "But the women will need you after seeing you wear this."

"I don't need that."

"Think about it for a second."

A beat.

Price pulled out his wallet, snatching the material from Gaz's hand. "Fine."

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now