chapter twenty-three.

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A/N: ... ik I said this chapter was gonna be better but I got caught up in work and such im sorry😭 hope yall have a good night tho- if you see any spelling mistakes then just breeze by it pls🙏🏼


It was the night before the group left for Canada and Y/n found herself sitting next to the bathroom toilet, her stomach very unsettled. It was obvious the nerves were getting to her about traveling, but the main thing that was affecting her like this was the chlorine and nasty things leaving her system. It upset her because she had all week to get this part over with, but her body chose the night she needed the most rest.

The throwing up part already happened but her stomach felt so weak she had to sit on the floor for a few minutes to just let herself relax, her brain feeling like static. She heaved as she slowly got up, leaning against her crutch in an uncomfortable way, but at least she was up now. That was a good first step.

The situation felt all too quick and she just needed to rest, but brushing her teeth was a must beforehand.

"I hate my life," Y/n groaned, remembering she gave Target her toothpaste earlier since she had already brushed her teeth that day and assumed she would only need it back by morning. It was gross as hell to leave her mouth tasting this way, especially with what was in the fluids she had-... refusing to let her mind make her sick again, Y/n headed back to her room and grabbed her toothbrush, waddling toward the room she found the most comfort in.

Knock, knock.

Soap clenched his jaw, in the middle of late-night packing. He had been busy during the day helping Veil with physical therapy and training himself for what he was going to be exposed to in the next day.

"Who is it?" Mentally, there was already a huge bet on who was at the door, ready to just lash out at her. Kiley was such a bother to him that he was getting close to his limit. How could she not see that he was not her friend?

Y/n heard the annoyance in the Scotsman's tone, narrowing her eyebrows. "Wrong time?" Her voice was hoarse, itching to just lay down. Johnny perked up at her voice, walking over to the door.

"Hi," He simply greeted after opening his door, shocked to see her at this time. "Why aren't you sleeping?" His eyes examined her pale face, the bags under her eyes, and how her hair was a mess, but somehow it didn't phase him. She was still Y/n, and he appreciated that for as it is.

"Sick. Do you have any toothpaste I can borrow?" Veil didn't even try to give an explanation, straight to the point as her mind was loopy from lack of sleep and how much energy it took out of her to throw up.

This question sounded familiar to MacTavish.

He didn't hesitate to open the door more, allowing her to come in. "Wanna use my bathroom?"

She nodded, limping in with her toothbrush in hand. He lead her to his bathroom, pointing at the little tube, "There it is. Do you need help with anything?" She just shook her head.

It was quick for Soap to notice her body quivering, instantly putting both hands on her shoulders and rubbing them to give her warmth, "You really hate how cold it is in here, huh?" He felt concern drip through his veins as she remained quiet, wondering if she had a bad dream or came into conflict with someone. Or perhaps she just ate something bad, which was his most hopeful assumption.

After the little action of consideration, Soap decided to give her space once she began to wet her toothbrush. He pursed his lips as he tried to figure out if he could do anything else, but knew she wouldn't like his help.

It took her three minutes to brush her teeth, then Y/n was out of the bathroom.

"Thank you for being patient, I'm sorry for pushing my boundaries..."

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now