chapter sixteen.

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"This happened because you have a buddy who has something that isn't his." Price spoke up for the group after Valeria had questioned why Y/n was a spy. "Hassan. Sound familiar?"

Valeria blinked, "Huh? Hassan?" Y/n stared at the commotion, her whole body feeling very weak and burned with pain. Every inhale she took through her nose was agony since they blocked off her mouth once more with a tampered cloth.

Price wasn't impressed by her acting, "We have proof that Hassan is working with your team and we know that your leader's name is El Sin Nombre." He had no witty comeback towards this as Veil's life was in danger.

There was some silence then Valeria began to chuckle, glancing back at her men as she did so. The guards started to chuckle along, one man muttering some insult in Spanish. Once the insulting laughing fit ended, the female spoke up once more.

"You guys are really slow, aren't you? I seriously was expecting something more from you and your men; being in the Special Forces and all." The room thickened with silence after Valeria spoke, 141 being taken back in surprise.

Price didn't remove his eyes from her, "You're El Sin Nombre, huh?"

Y/n didn't even know this, perking up as she studied the situation. Her eyes automatically went to Soap to see his reaction, but his stern gaze was locked on Valeria, almost looking like a statue with his stillness.

"Ding, ding, ding! You want a trophy, big guy?" Valeria, now discovered as El Sin Nombre, spoke up. It should've been assumed she was the boss when she said she was the one they were looking for over the radio, but everyone was too busy to even focus on that part.

Soap finally spoke, "Hiding in plain sight. You got some balls." He sounded impressed, but deep down he was fuming.

"Ohh, hiding? No, no... I'm everywhere, soldier."

Everyone was getting a bit annoyed by her smart mouth. "Well since we got this far, might as well tell us where Hassan and the missiles are located." Price raised his eyebrows as he spoke, his beanie shifting a bit.

"I don't take orders- even the dogs know not to bark at me." She smirked at him, her eyes falling to the guys in the back. "Who are you guys anyway? You with the mask- what's that all about?" Her voice was playful in a silent way.

"What's your goal with doing all of this?" Ghost spoke up, ignoring her question. His voice was stone cold and his stare was daggers toward her.

Unphased by Simon's threatening appearance, Valeria sighed. "Like I said, you are some slow idiotas. Terrorism is good insurance. Want me to dumb that down?"

"Enough with the sarcasm!" Price was abrupt, raising his voice out of anger and impatience. "Just tell us what we want to know, give us our soldier back and let us leave unharmed. Then we don't ever have to cross paths again. Sounds like a bloody good plan to me." He started to calm his voice near the end, knowing he couldn't test his limits.

Valeria seemed to still find that disrespectful though as she slowly tilted her head, narrowing her eyebrows slightly. She looked off to the side, paused then started heading back toward Y/n. "You got a lot of nerve coming to my place and demanding me around." Her voice was hinted with irritation, now standing by Y/n's side. Valeria seemed to cool down her tone and expression, "How about we calm down? Like I said, I don't take orders any more. You want to raise your voice at me and expect me to just crumble, white boy? You have some serious problems thinking you get things like that." After her little speech, she looked at Price with a fake sense of serenity. It was only a swift moment when she had grabbed a knife holstered on her leg, impaling Y/n's left thigh with a hard force and twisting the blade to make it worse with her pleasure.

It felt like something had dropped on Y/n's leg at first, but the piercing agony followed seconds after. Her eyes widened, letting out a yell but the sound was muffled from all that covered her mouth. Tears surfaced to her eyes as she couldn't do anything but sit there and squirm, but moving made it worse so she had to force herself to sit still, the focus making the pain excruciating.

Not even five seconds after this action, Soap had immediately got his gun's aim right on Valeria's head, his hands shaking as he was so tempted to pull the trigger. Valeria's men had fast reactions as they brought their guns up toward Price's small team of three, but the Task Force didn't hesitate to reciprocate and had their guns ready as well.

Soaps blood boiled. The sound of Veil's pain made his whole body go on autopilot to protect her, and he was almost dumb enough to have his entire team killed just because of that. He didn't give it thought though as he just focused on Valeria, his nose scrunched as his eyebrows were angled down, his eyes wide with adrenaline like an angry lion.

"Asking so much always comes with a price." Valeria left the knife stuck in Y/n's leg so she wouldn't bleed out, walking behind her in the chair. She had her eyes set on Soap, enjoying his reactions. The usual normal reactions she got from others were boring, but he seemed very sensitive to this so it almost felt like a show. Valeria had taken Veil's chin in between her fingers roughly, forcing her to look at the Task Force.

Soap's rough eyes flickered down to Y/n's scared face, his expression softening for just a split second before returning back to their attentive glare at Valeria. He couldn't let his guard down.

"As long as there is war on terror, there will be no real war on drugs, men. To find your so-called terrorist, you need me. So I heavily suggest you put your guns down." She looked at Price for his response, releasing Y/n's chin with a jerk as she stood up and tilted her head back and to the side, her arms crossed.

Price looked between Soap and Ghost, nodding his head at each of them. "She's right. We need Y/n so lower your weapons." His voice was firm.

Soap really didn't want to because of everything that just happened and what could happen as well. But he wanted Y/n safe. He swiftly glanced at her, the knife in her leg, then away as he reluctantly put his gun down.

"You boys listen well." She approved of how easily they obeyed. "This girl must mean a lot, hm?" She glanced over her shoulder at the girl and then at the men. "Alright, pull a chair aside and let's get to business then." She motioned for her men to lower their weapons.

"Wait," Price stated, "I want one of my men to take Y/n back to safety as we discuss." He wasn't asking but Valeria gestured her approval. The Captain looked at Soap, "Soap, take her back to the heli and patch her up. Ghost and I will be back soon." As he spoke one of Valeria's men was cutting the rope off of Y/n, her mouth cloth already gone.

More than happy to get this job, MacTavish stepped forward, moving his gun aside as he approached Y/n who was forcefully stood up and shoved over to him. "Easy!" Soap snapped at the man who roughly handled Y/n. He caught her in a fast motion, his chest filling with sadness as she whimpered and grunted. He helped steady her, "You're safe, just lean against me and we will get you out of here..." He comforted in a low voice for her to hear only, positioned on her wounded side as they both walked out. Y/n had to hop and every time she leaned against him when her left side was required she had to take in a sharp inhale every time to avoid crying out.

The journey to the helicopter was a struggle, but when Alejandro noticed Y/n wounded he rushed to her other side, the two hurrying to the vehicle as the newly joined demanded the others to stay on watch. Soap could only imagine how confused Rudy, Gaz, and Kiley were as they watched from afar.

"What happened?"

Soap glanced at Veil's pained expression then over to Alejandro, "The bastards stabbed her to prove a damn point-... those boke clatty skanks." His voice wasn't loud but his explanation was full of anger, mumbling the last part as he had to remind himself to calm down. The pained noises Y/n made encouraged him to try to move faster. "Let's speed this up so she can be comfortable." 

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