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Maia, master suite at the Theed Grand Hotel

For reasons I couldn't explain, my stomach did a flip when he went around me to the refresher. Did I fear him?

I mean, I would be foolish not to. But I would be lying if I said I was still as scared around him as I had been just a few days prior. He clearly wished me no harm, at least as long as I remain in his good graces. Which, I knew, could flip at any time. But I had not missed his small protective steps toward me as I spoke to my uncle, nor the way he had not once turned his back to me since arriving on the planet. Or, how he booked us rooms the moment he learned I needed to stay until the following day.

No, fear was no longer my instinctual reaction to him.

Ever since seeing his face, it's been curiosity. And since the dressing room, perhaps a... mild, sexual attraction.

I realized he was probably getting in the shower, his face exposed. No, not just his face. His hair... I wanted to touch it. And his throat—how could a throat be so enticing?

Jerking myself from my thoughts, I turned toward the empty bed and stopped when I saw a book sitting in the middle. Frowning, I picked it up.

It was a book about a queen named Padmé Amidala, right there on Naboo. I didn't think it had been there before my shower, but perhaps it had. Naboo must be proud of her.

The bed made no noise at all as my knees climbed onto it. Making a nice backboard of pillows, I settled in to read, grateful for the distraction.


I didn't look up when he came out, but I noticed his dark hair hanging down at the edge of my vision. He sat on his bed, his head turned toward me. I tried to ignore his stare—but when he spoke, that became impossible, his smooth, unaltered voice speeding up my heart.

"Have you ever had an orgasm, Maia?" I froze. What kind of fucking question was that?

"That is absolutely none of your business." I wanted to look up, to see his face. But I didn't. Was he mocking me? There was no way this guy was into me. I thought he was just curious about me.

"Okay. Have you ever had someone else give you one?"

"I was taken when I was ten. When would I have found time?" I snapped. Who cares if he knew about my sex life anyway? There was nothing to tell. Maybe I'd bore him to sleep.

"There are plenty of men and women aboard the Finalizer."

"Ew." People who follow my orders. As if I'd ruin my reputation for sex. Though, Kylo's quiet request to stay a few days ago had been tempting. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to know what it would be like to be touched in ways other than battle.

"Would you like me to give you one?"

My head jerked to look at him and my mouth dropped open, but I snapped it shut. I hesitated, both in shock and a sick curiosity. I still wasn't totally sure he wasn't messing with me, but his face was soft, sincere. I did not pick up negative intentions from him, but now that I tried to analyze him, I realized he was definitely buzzing with... something. Excitement? ... Desire?

"Who just asks that? You think because I am a hard ass, I don't have feelings, Ren?"

"I know you do. I heard you in the shower."

"Fuck you," I hissed, turning away. Damn him. He wasn't supposed to hear anything. "I'm not one of your scary fucking Knights. I'm not an escort in Canto Bight. And I'm not some brave, fearless person you seem to see me as." My voice was steady, but I felt many things.

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now