Blood and Sex

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Kylo, Commander's quarters

I was still upset and angry, climbing into bed an hour later.

My stomach flipped like it did when I thought I was about to see Maia, and a few seconds later I heard the door open to my quarters. I had indeed given her access upon returning from Naboo but wasn't sure how she knew that. Realizing I had somehow known she was near without trying to feel her was perplexing—but I didn't have much time to think about it.

Maia must have shed her clothes when she entered my quarters, because the door to my room slid open and she stood there, completely naked.

My lips parted slightly as I took her in. The way she stood so tall, the shadows falling around her. I felt her eyes on me while I looked her up and down and back up again. When I met her gaze, it was almost, almost the woman I'd seen laughing in the rain on Naboo. But not quite.

I wasn't hesitating, exactly—I was admiring her.

However. A part of me was disappointed she only came to me in her angry state. It had been four days since Naboo, and in that time, she has not acted any differently toward me. This was impulsive and did not come from a place of admiration or attraction or... whatever.

Still, once I had soaked her up, I reached out, unable to resist. Her eyes flicked to my outstretched hand before she stepped forward. Her legs went to either side of mine and her hands gripped the nape of my neck and up into my hair. I let her kiss me—but I was bubbling with too many thoughts and feelings.

Anger for how she spoke to me.

Sadness for being unable to help her.

Happiness from her coming to me at all.

Finally, I pulled back and pressed my lips to her jutting collarbone. I enjoyed her like this: her body around mine, her attention solely on me. She was on my lap by choice, regardless of whatever was bothering her.

"I know what you want," I murmured between kisses. Her skin seemed like fire, and she had not showered before coming. That was not to say she didn't smell amazing, because she did—a light, hypnotic smell that distracted me—but her hair was a mess, the roots still damp, and there was a light stickiness to her skin. For some reason, it did nothing to ease my already pulsing erection. "And I won't be giving it to you."

"Why?" She pushed my face back, her own looking offended. Perhaps she doesn't take rejection well. I could relate—if this woman ever told me no, I think I'd lose it.

"Because you're angry and emotional and don't know what you want." I didn't want to be a regret, something she cried about. I wanted her to tremble when she thought of me, to ache with need.

I sensed her about to hit me and did nothing to stop it. Her slap hit my cheek perfectly, but I just returned my eyes to her, trying to ignore my returning irritation.

"You're not some fucking saintly Jedi, Kylo." Her voice dropped in pitch. "You're a monster."

I blinked at her, but my chest tightened. She wasn't supposed to think that; she wasn't supposed to be like everyone else. Up until today, she'd never outwardly judged me.

"You know nothing."

She pressed her lips to mine, more violent than sweet. Her tongue slipped through, forcing my mouth open and battling for control. Oh, how I wanted her. It ran deep, through my veins as if my own blood craved her.

When I finally gathered enough control to push her away, she hopped off my lap with speed. I let her, feeling torn in different directions. The next words to come out of her mouth sent a chill over my body, however.

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now