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Maia, a few weeks later, her private office

It was well past midnight, but I wasn't in a particularly good mood, and certainly wasn't ready to go shower and sleep. So I was still in work mode, standing with some info holos.

When the door opened, I didn't turn around. Kylo Ren had been due to arrive sometime the following day, but he was the only person who could access this office without my permission. Not that I ever gave him that access.

"You aren't going to say hello?" his modulated voice rang out.

I turned and cocked my head slightly. "Hello." I wanted to ignore him, but my body seemed to be unable to do so. He's been gone a week, and I couldn't wait for him to touch me.

He stepped closer, the sound of his boots sending chills through me.


I couldn't help it—I grinned. Nodding my head toward my chair, I moved out of the way. He stripped his cloak, letting it fall to the ground. Just before he sat, the hiss from his helmet sent excitement searing through me. A familiar sound, it was as if my body understood pleasure would be ensuing.

He sat casually, smirking up at me as I approached. When our knees touched, I leaned down to kiss him. Our lips meshed together, sending sparks of pleasure through me when both of his hands cupped my face—not exactly gentle. I kissed him for a moment, butterflies in my stomach, before shoving my tongue into his mouth. A small growl reverberated out of him, all the permission I needed to keep going.

Reaching down, I unclipped his pants and opened them as far as they'd go. He groaned when I pulled his hard cock free and began stroking the length. It always seemed bigger than the last time, enticing and intimidating all at once. I broke my lips away and looked down, my arousal peaking even higher. I may not be an expert in sex, but I've seen plenty of naked men—and this guy was sculpted like a god in almost every way.

The Force played with my clit, eliciting a long moan from me, both surprised and pleased. "Ohh," I whined out, pulling back enough to look at him.

"Take them off."

"Yes, sir," I said immediately, ripping all of my clothes off. His voice was like a heavy blanket wrapping around me—and helping me obey. Still standing, I steadied myself with my left hand on his shoulder and brought the other back to his huge erection, not ready to climb onto him. I'd be done in seconds, probably.

He reached out and gripped my thigh with one hand and slid his fingers between my wet lips and up to my clit.

"Oh, fuck Kylo," I moaned again and let my head dip slightly to watch.

When he stuck two fingers in, I thought my knees would buckle. I tightened my hand on him and perfected my stroke, all the while he pumped in and out of me, his fingers somehow enough to drive me crazy. His own sounds and muttered praises only increased the spell.

But when the Force returned to my clit, I began to unravel. "Kylo," I cried softly, unsure I could remain standing.

"I've got you, baby," he said before letting out a groan of his own. That was enough, the low sound of his voice pushing me over the ledge.

Another choked cry left my throat, and as it slammed into me, he removed his fingers and pulled me to his knee. My arms wrapped around his neck as I twitched and moaned, out of control of my body. I was vaguely aware of his hands on my waist, the single leg I was straddling, and his beautiful erection.

One of his hands slipped to my face, his fingertips in my hair. "Did you miss me?" he asked in a soft, deep voice, skimming his lips across my forehead.

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now