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Kylo, master bedroom

I slept longer than two hours for the first time since saving Maia. Actually, though we hadn't gone to bed until after midnight, I think I slept a full night. I had felt Maia crawl out of bed and tried to keep her there, but she mumbled she was going to the refresher. When I woke up again and she wasn't there, I vaguely wondered if she'd lied, or simply gotten distracted.

I stretched and rolled back over, tempted to go back to sleep. I peeked at the chrono—0800. With a frown, I buried my face in the pillow. Why has no one bothered me? The galaxy never slept; I was sure more than a few people were probably trying to get ahold of me that very moment.

I wish Maia were next to me.

At that thought, I comprehended her faint voice. I popped my head up to look around the room. No Maia. I climbed off the bed and pulled on the closest pants and went in search of her. The office door was closed, but her voice was definitely coming from behind it. I stopped to listen.

"—I don't care about that, it's irrelevant. Someone else can deal with it." A pause. A few seconds. "No. It's not his problem. I'm getting another call—hopefully it's more pertinent than this one. Goodbye, Pryde."

I smirked. I promoted Pryde in a moment of panic and knew Maia wasn't his biggest fan. She would likely be questioning me about it. But, she hadn't been lying to him—she picked up another call.

"Maia...that is unfortunate...have you called the shipyards?," she said in a severe tone. I raised my brows. "I will not be passing it along. If you cannot handle it, I will..." a longer pause. "What a wonderful idea, Governor. I support your efforts. I must be going."

I understood. She was deflecting my messages. I shook my head, straightening my spine, ready to enter. But then her voice came out again.

"Yes, I'm aware." Interesting. Whoever she was speaking to, she initiated the call. "Just get me the general, or I'll visit her myself."

Her? My mother? Nerves fluttered through my stomach. My girl and my mom, talking. My... girl. Huh. The urge to call her my wife was suddenly strong, as girl seemed... disrespectful to a woman like her.

"Hello, General...oh, I'm feeling back to normal...yes, he's well...yes, I saw him I didn't see Chewbacca...well I'd love to meet him one day...yes ma'am...well actually, I have a bit of a favor to ask." I held my breath. Was she really going to straight up ask her?

"I would like to initiate peace talks...yes, a meeting between a few of our command...yes, I understand...I doubt you want to board my vessel, General...that could, I wouldn't. We don't need anyone conspiring...yes, and unfortunately, I'll probably have to bring Pryde as well. Your son promoted him." I smirked. She sounded genuinely displeased. "Yes, I am aware...I'll send you what I have...that sounds great...thank you so much, ma'am...I'll tell him. You too, General."

I sucked in a breath. Just casually setting up peace talks between two galactic powers, no big deal. Talking to my mother—who apparently asked about me.

I opened the door. "Tell me what?" I asked with a small smile. She turned her chair and hopped out of it with a grin.

"You won't believe me," she said with a giggle. I smiled wider, always happy when she was. She had clearly gotten more rest last night, as she was almost a completely different person. Even her bruises were nearly gone.

"Try me."

"Your mother said she is proud of you." I believed her.

"Hmm. Well, I am proud of you." She rolled her eyes and pushed my chest.

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now