Pirates and the Force

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Maia, office off the Harbinger's bridge, one week later

Hux's voice came over my comm, and I took a breath before jumping right to it.

"Have you read Admiral Dou's recent reports, General?"

"I have. You have an opinion?" he asked dryly. Despite his tone, I did think he'd grown more fond of me over the last few months. Probably because I've made his life slightly easier with the First.

"Yes. He's an imbecile and he's creating more problems than he's fixing. I'd like permission to go fix the mess he's gotten himself into."

"You believe you can fix it?"

"I do. Give me a week." The comm was silent for a moment, but I had a hunch that he really wanted to wash his hands of the whole thing.

"Fine. But I need you back over Arkanis in eight days."

"I will be leaving the bulk of the fleet here, sir. I plan to only take the Harbinger." Regardless, I wasn't sure I'd need that long.

He laughed. "You'll need more than one ship, Admiral." Ah, he thought I planned to destroy the problem, as he was likely preparing to do. No, I planned to create allies, as we should be doing.

"Then give me full command."

I waited as he seemed to think about it for a minute. I wasn't sure he'd go for it—Dou was a respected admiral, more than twice my age. The old man would be furious with Hux—but to be fair, he was already angry with Dou. "Fine. Rectify the situation, Admiral." My lips curled into a grin.

"Yes, sir." I reached out to shut off the call.

"But Maia?"

"Yes, General?" I asked as I pulled my hand back.

"I need the attacks to stop; the Supreme Leader has goals for that sector. But if you don't have results in seven days, you will return to your station—and I will not be giving you free rein again."

"Understood, sir. And if I succeed?"

"That wholly depends on the level of results."

"An established base on their main planet?"

He laughed, a loud, dramatic sound. "Oh, stars, Admiral. I didn't know you had a sense of humor."

"I don't." But I did have a tiny smile, amused by his laugh and by his lack of faith.

He chuckled once more. "Alright, then. Just focus on putting an end to the attacks, Admiral."

"Yes sir."

I clicked off and sent orders to the bridge and to the Linear to take command while I'm gone. Fucking Kylo—it should be the Finalizer. I slipped to the refresher to shower, and as I left it twenty-five minutes later, I felt the ship jump to hyperspace.

Time to play.

Eight hours later, I requested Admiral Dou to my bridge. When he showed up, he was respectful enough, but he was clearly pissed about my interference.

Good. The more agitated he became, the better.

The problem was simple, the solution, not so much. He couldn't get a handle on the pirate situation. I, however, was there to help—and I could handle a complicated solution.


The first phase only took me two days. The first was spent tracking down the pirates, eventually luring them in with Dou appearing to be dead in space. The second day was spent negotiating—which Admiral Dou was vehemently against.

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