Stronger Together

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An hour later and with my fists bleeding in my gloves, I sighed. "I suppose we'll have to continue this later. I'm afraid the lovely Maia has me on the final panel." He let out a small, bubbling sound as I pulled my mask to me and left.

I was unsurprised by Maia sitting in a chair nearby, her legs crossed politely, a glass of something hard in her hand.

"Did you hear?"

"Most of it," she said with no trace of her earlier humor. "I'd like permission to speak with him." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but nodded after a moment.

"Fine. You are not attending the panel?"

"No. Don't worry, I'll play the feed for Pryde."

"Worry?" I said with minor humor. "You have eyes and ears everywhere, if I recall."

She smiled a bit and stood up, then kissed the side of my mask. Her lips whispered next to my ears. "They already fear you, baby. Perhaps it is time for them to respect you."

"Yes, ma'am," I said, my voice low and dark, but also teasing. She gave me an unhumored smile, and I realized she was not going to speak with him. She had other plans. My curiosity roared, but my mind was needed elsewhere. I did not want to disappoint her on stage.

"My lady," I said with a small bow before leaving. I felt her confusion, and then felt her come to a conclusion. I turned back to look at her, chills running down my spine. Somehow, I knew whatever she'd just decided was big, and would ripple throughout the universe. It was a strong feeling, undeniable.

I felt myself grow hard, just before I turned my back on her.

I nodded for Hux to speak with me before I got on stage, the crowd still stretching their legs.

"What's going on?" he asked, not nearly as impolite as he used to be toward me.

"Maia is in room C on the lower levels with Pryde. I want you to wait outside. Do not enter the room until she leaves, and when she does, a Knight will guard the door."

"Is she..."

I smiled in my mask, though I felt little humor. For whatever reason, I wished she would leave the bloodshed to me. "We will see."



I watched Kylo go, my mind on overdrive. When he had said 'my lady,' my mind returned to his mother. Then to her advice.

I did not want to go into politics—but that was exactly what I was about to kriffing do. Leia was right. I needed to gain influence, not troops. I just... gaining troops was my focus for enough time that I wasn't sure how to switch it.

With a sigh, I grit my teeth and turned, pushing it to the back of my mind.

The door slid open and I stared at the bleeding and broken man in front of me.

Holy shit, Kylo fucked him up. One eye was cracked open and swollen shut, blood covering his entire face and everything around. It looked shocking compared to the once-white table he was against. It was... a bit more damage than I was prepared to face. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, anxiety flooding my mind.

"I'm surprised you're still alive," I said, my voice cold and my face betraying none of my emotions.

He huffed at me and tried to smile, but it only made him look more pathetic. Some of the blood on his face was dry, and it cracked with the ugly grin. "Your lover couldn't break me, you think you can?"

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now