Supreme Leader

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Part II

Maia, three days later, in the medical bay on the Harbinger

My eyes flew open, immediately falling to the man sitting in a chair next to my bed with his eyes closed. He looked like... Kylo. An old exhausted Kylo.

Okay. I'm safe, then. I was laying in a medbay. Safe.

Oh, stars. I blinked hard a few times.

A medbay—a First Order medbay. On a First Order ship... with Han Solo.

Safe. I am safe.

"Han?" His eyes popped open immediately, telling me he hadn't been sleeping—and that I was not dreaming. This was real, I was fucking alive.

"Yeah, hey." He stood up quickly, rushing next to my bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He chuckled lightly. "Yeah. Uhm, are you?"

"I don't exactly know how to answer that, sir," I murmured. I could tell I'd been in bacta, the feel of it on my skin all too familiar. But the machines hooked up to me were freaking me out, too similar to the torture table. I felt fine, just tired. Sluggish, even.

That was probably a good thing, because panic still resided within me, the memory of Snoke's lightning all too sharp.

"Yeah, here," he gripped a cord to remove it from a patch on my arm. "Let me get some of this." He pulled off another and some tape went with it, making a small huffing sound. "I know you're alive, I see ya right here." Yes, I was—the minor, irritating pain from the tape was another signal to my brain of the fact. I was alive, and I was safe.

And Kylo? Surely he was too—how else would his father be here?

I couldn't help but grin as he kept pulling stuff off, mumbling about how unnecessary it all was. He was obviously tired and worried—but his presence was helping me a great deal.

"What is going on in here?" the nurse barged in yelling, before coming to a halt.

"Oh, you're awake. Doctor!" She rushed back out, and I exchanged curious glances with Solo.

"What was that about?"

"They likely have orders to inform Kylo immediately." Kylo. He's alive. "The general has been hovering since you were removed from bacta."

"How long have I been in here?" My voice sounded so unusual, dry and light, as if it could be carried away with a small breeze.

"A little more than three days." I closed my eyes. A lot could happen in three days.

"Sir, where is he?" I asked, returning my gaze to him.

"Now, there's really no need to call me sir. He's... well. He's Supreme Leader." My stomach lurched. So he'd killed Snoke.

I thought I'd be sick. I was glad for the death of Snoke, but at what cost? Did he even want to be Supreme Leader? "He wanted to be here—" I waved my hand.

"No, I get it." Well, I understood why he wasn't here. I wasn't sure I quite understood what had happened.

"You do?" he asked just as a doctor walked in.

"He has you here." That told me Kylo wanted to be there. He put someone I would feel safe with, the next best thing to Kylo himself. Han nodded lightly and stepped back.

"Admiral, how wonderful it is to see you awake."

"Doc, please get this shit off me."

"Ah, yes ma'am," he said with a small smile before working at me. We've been through this song and dance plenty of times. He was my doctor on the Finalizer, so of course I brought him to the Harbinger. Is that where we were? I thought so, but all medical bays looked the same to me. There were too many beeping machines and various frequencies to try to guess from the hum of the engines.

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