The First Fleet

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Kylo, the commander's quarters aboard the RSD Finalizer

As usual, I can't sleep—but this time, there was something new bothering me. The girl. Though something still nagged at me, I was not suspicious anymore. No. I was thinking about her shoulders. A silly thing to think about, I tried telling myself. And then my mind would flash back to them, so tanned and powerful, yet somehow still delicate. Or perhaps that was my own biases shining through. Maybe there was nothing delicate about her.

Maia was so in control. The only time I have seen her slip, just a fraction, was in the meeting room earlier that day. I was not nearly as in control as her. I believed there was more underneath, believed she had a personality and emotions.

My mind went back and forth for hours before I finally drifted off.

Only a few hours later, I woke up to my comm.

"Ren," I growled.

"Sorry to wake you, sir." Commodore Maia's voice was her normal tone, and I wished she would drop it for me, especially if she was going to be calling me this early.

"Commodore," I said in the same deep growl.

"The general has made an unscheduled stop aboard our ship."

"Why would you wake me up for that?" I really couldn't care less about the general, and I thought she knew that.

"Because he has requested a meeting with us. However, I was hoping to catch you up to speed before."

"I don't need a secretary."

"Actually, you would probably benefit from having one. But that's quite a bit below my skill level."

I grumbled under my breath. Fuck it. "Come to my quarters then. You have until I'm ready to speak."

"Wonderful. But I'm already outside your door."

I clicked off the comm, irritated, and opened the main door with the Force. I deserve a few more minutes of laying down.

"Sir?" her muffled voice rang out. I flicked open the bedroom door and heard her footsteps. They came to a halt, and I smirked into the pillow I was wrapped around. It was faint, but her shock was palpable. All she could see was my hair, left shoulder, and part of the right.

"Speak." Per typical Maia, she did not criticize my choice to remain in bed.

"General Hux does not see you as nearly enough of a threat. Either you should continue to let him think that, or you can show him what a threat looks like." I did like how she got straight to the point.

"Why are you telling me this?" I finally peeked up at her, and her shock grew tenfold. I smirked. She thought I was attractive. Good. My head fell back to the pillow when she answered.

"Because we can help each other."

"How so?" Deciding I wanted to feel more of her shock, I rolled onto my back and let the blanket fall off my chest. My hands went behind my head and I kept my eyes closed.

No shock this time, but there was a different emotion strong enough to break through. It was too hard to decipher. I didn't think it was attraction—no, more like coming to a decision.

"I want another Destroyer." That got my attention.

Sitting up, I frowned at her. To my satisfaction, there was heat to her cheeks.


"I've shown I can handle it."

"I asked why."

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now