The Storm

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Maia, Hux's estate on Naboo, the fields behind it

Leia had been silent for a couple of minutes, but I knew she was thinking, so I did not speak. The place really was gorgeous, so very rarely did I get to just... take a walk. When she finally spoke, I felt as if she had pulled me out of a dream.

"I'd like to ask you something, and I hope you don't take offense. I think you're a strong, intelligent woman, capable of making her own decisions."

"Okay," I said nervously, glancing over at Leia and then back at the retreating Hux, now small in the distance.

"Are you doing this for my son?" It did not seem offensive at all.

"You mean getting into politics?"

"Yes. All of it."

I turned my gaze to the horizon, letting her question stew. Leia was right when she said I'm already in politics. I've been playing them since day one. And the moment I took command of the Finalizer, I had to become a political master. I study people, I study situations. And I act off knowledge.

Kylo hasn't changed the core of who I was or what my goals were.

"No. Not at all, actually. If either of us has made sacrifices for the other, it is Kylo. I have a suspicion he stopped searching for Luke because of me. He's compassionate with me, patient even. He is aware of my needs and feelings. And he may have gotten me a dreadnaught simply because he believes I'm safer in one—though that's an assumption. He did trade it for this, after all," I said with a gesture around.

Leia looked downright surprised.

"None of that sounds like Kylo," she finally said softly. "This land was yours?"

I waved my hand. "The Harbinger is bigger anyway," I said with a smile. "Are you trying to say it sounds like Ben?" Saying the name made me feel... something. It wasn't an emotion, more like the memory of one.

I saw her face contort, and wished I hadn't said it. Had it been her emotion I felt? I wasn't sure.

"I think Ben is gone, my dear," she said softly, her gaze distant. I shook my head. They took so much stock in their dang beliefs, it was as if they forgot they were human.

"That isn't true," I said with confidence, trying to soften my tone. I still struggled to be real with people and not fall into my habitual voice—but I liked this woman. She was a bit scary, but I respected her.

She frowned. "Why do you say that?"

I let out a small sigh and carefully picked my words. "Kylo was taught he must be either good or evil. There isn't a lot of grey area. Whatever made him believe he needed to turn, also made him believe the good in him was gone." I may not know much about the Force, but I didn't think most people were simply one or the other, powers or not. Sure, one could get consumed in their beliefs, but Kylo was not consumed. He was confused. Or had been, at least.

"So, changing his name was his way of saying goodbye to the light."

"Perhaps. But it's just a name. Are you not a Skywalker, my lady?" Her head tilted slightly as she focused on me.

But... something deep in my subconscious seemed to flicker. My face remained the same as I shoved it away. The darn feeling had been haunting me ever since last night—and I knew why. It was the Force. It was breaking free, twisting its grip into my reality.

"You're aware of our lineage?" She wasn't surprised—obviously, she was Luke's sister. But there was something else under the question she was trying to ask.

Stronger Together (Kylo Ren x Reader | Maia)Where stories live. Discover now