A Gala to Remember

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Kylo, Canto Bight

I slipped into the dressing room, expecting Maia to be alone except for the handmaidens. But her laugh rang out, causing me to stop and listen to it. I couldn't see her yet, but it was easy to imagine her joking with handmaidens—though not with Order personnel. Her jokes with our peers, I was beginning to realize, were usually easily missed. Which was why, when I heard Lieutenant Smith's voice, my brows furrowed together.

"I mean it, Admiral."

"Perfect specimen is a bit dramatic, Jackie." Taking two slow steps forward, I looked into a mirror until I could see her. Maia was standing on a slightly raised circle, a droid whizzing around her, taking scans. Her breasts were wrapped and she had tight, small shorts that went high up her stomach. They appeared to be like our body gloves, tight and shaping. I could not see the assistant, but she replied.

"I am not dramatic," she said in her mild, boring way. It was not like Maia's tone of command, though I wondered if she was trying to emulate Maia. "I'm simply appreciating what I see."

I finally stepped into the room, rather annoyed my assistant was trying to praise Maia—that was my job. Anyone could compliment her, but Maia was right: I could feel Smith's attraction. Not that I could really blame her.

"Supreme Leader," she said swiftly, bowing her head before straightening. "I didn't know you'd be attending."

"If the high admiral is going to be swooning our investors, I intend to observe. You could learn from her as well."

"I learn from her every day," she said seriously. Maia watched our interaction with a look of curiosity.

"Good." I nodded toward the door and the three handmaidens didn't hesitate to move toward it, indicating the droid should follow.

"That means you too," I said, my mask not revealing my growing irritation.

"Of course, my sincerest apologies," Smith hurried to say before dipping her chin in a bow.

"Hello darling," Maia soothed the moment the door shut. I faced her fully, the sweet smile on her face melting my anxieties. I stepped forward.

"Hey baby." I could have sworn her eyes lightened when her smile grew. In the extreme natural lighting of the room, they didn't look blue anymore. Usually, they had a greyish-silver ring around the irises, then a light, dazzling blue fading lighter to her pupils. Now the ring looked blue-grey and was barely noticeable—but the usual white streaks in her irises seemed to be doubled; now overpowering the blue. It was not the first time they caught my attention for this reason, but it stunned me every time.

"Sweet Maia, you're always so composed," I said softly, stroking the back of my finger down her cheekbone. "I wonder how composed you would remain," my hand trailed down her jaw, goosebumps beginning to rise on her arms, "in the middle of your gala," I leaned forward, my mask skimming her ear, "coming for me."

"You wouldn't dare." Her voice was quiet but threatening.

"Oh," my hands gripped her hips, tugging her up to feel how excited I was at the thought. "I will," I almost purred out. I reached down and slid my hand between her thighs, thrilled by the breath she sucked in, the need I felt from her.

"Kylo," she sighed, part in warning, part in pleasure. I rolled the tips of my first two fingers around her covered clit, teasing and enjoying the way she wiggled, trying to deny her desire.

"Maia," I said suddenly.

"Yes?" she breathed.

"You will not undress before the assistant again." She blinked a couple of times fast, then furrowed her brows.

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