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Kylo, his chambers on the Finalizer

I woke up and immediately knew I'd slept too long. There was no Maia in bed next to me, and I felt much too rested. When I saw it was almost 0900, I sent the orders to delay our departure another hour.

In the shower, my mind drifted back to the night before. I had been doubting myself thanks to my master, and had gone to my grandfather's mask to ask for guidance again. Though I did not hear him speak this time, I did hear a voice: Maia's.

Maybe it was a coincidence, and maybe it wasn't. But the way she had approached his mask, scared but with little hesitation... fuck.

As I was climbing out of the shower twenty minutes later, my datapad pinged. I pulled it to me and my eyebrows shot up as I read. It was a ship-wide announcement—one I wouldn't have received if I had left the ship on time.

To all Finalizer personnel:

Mandatory officer training at 1000. Troop training tomorrow at 1000 or 1700. Repair hanger.

How unusual. The orders were vague, which told me they'd been sent out in more detail previously, and that the one that morning was a reminder. I delayed my departure indefinitely. What did Maia do when she thought I was gone?


I trailed into the hangar at 1015 and came to a dead stop. She transformed the massive space into a dojo.

The longer I observed, the more I realized this wasn't a meeting or training—it was a tournament. She was holding a tournament. And by the aura in the room, it wasn't the first one they'd had. The officers were riled up, chatting animatedly and throwing practice shots. Fifteen circles were taped to the floor near the center of the bay, three perfect lines of five each.

I held up a hand when I saw her first officer.

"Hello, Commander. Weren't you supposed to be off ship by now?"

"I woke up late. What is this?"

"Oh, it's a morale booster." He said with a big grin, turning and gesturing at the crowd. "The admiral does it every quarter; this is the third we've held. The troops seem to look forward to it."

How did I not know about this? She really had a thing for meetings and get-togethers.

"Why separate the troops and officers?"

"Oh, the winners of each will compete on day three."

"Why have I not heard of this?"

"I believe Admiral Maia assumes you would find the exercise to be below your skill level."

I was quiet for a moment, having finally found Maia in the crowd. She was watching a duel, animatedly yelling suggestions and praise. It was the most emotion I'd seen on her. Except for last night, of course, but this was different. She was bursting with energy. She wasn't even in uniform, the tight black pants and thin black shirt catching my attention. Her hair was in a long ponytail, hanging down her back and swaying with her. I'd never seen it like that, and I couldn't help but watch it swing.

"I've seen her punch droids," I replied, a little delayed. I wasn't sure skill level was relevant.

Alaric laughed, dragging my attention back to him. Again, I was struck with an unusual feeling toward the man.

"Yes, Maia does not participate. I used to wonder if she didn't want to lose, but I believe she doesn't want to shame anyone," he laughed again. I eyed him closer. He liked Maia. I was surprised, she showed so little emotion. Well, until now. It would seem she enjoys spending time with her troops. Perhaps Alaric has seen her true self more than I have.

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