Chapter 6

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-------------------Ember's POV------------------

I bolted up, clutching the sheets close to my chest. My breathing felt like I was inhaling razors. My lungs burned with every gasp. My hands violently shook as the cold sweat ran down my face and chest. The sound of distant thunder rumbling as beads of water slammed against the window in my room. I had to get out of here, grabbing my casted foot I realized I wasn't running well... anywhere. The walls caved in, everything was concrete.. Stale blood filling my nose, the sound of screams echoing in my mind. 

'Worthless daughter...' 

'How could you not be as successful as your sister? Dropping out in the first year!' 

'Lower your expectations. You'll never get far in the Army.' 

'Sometimes I wish I wasn't your mother.' 

Panting I got out of bed, 12:53am.. When did I fall asleep? I stumbled through the hall I walked into the rec room. The soft din of the TV pulling my attention. 

"Firefly?" Price asked, sitting up from where he laid on the couch. "What happened? Why are you up?" He looked comfortable in a pair of sweats and a tee shirt, a blanket hung over his waist.

"Price..." My voice croaked. "I... I can't.." Choking back sobs "They never wanted me.." 

"Love..." He stood up, wrapping me in a warm embrace. The sound of his watch ticking in my ear. "Can I get you some tea? Water?" 


"All out... How's bourbon from my personal stash?" 

"Sure... on the rocks?"

"Anything for you." He stalked off, I sat down on the cool leather couch, trembling silently as Price came back with a bottle of Elmer T. Lee Single Barrell. Pouring it carefully over some ice for me, neat for him, handing me the glass. "Here you are love." 

I slowly lifted the chilled glass to my lips, the sound of ice clinking providing a therapeutic sound.  The strong smell of oak and spice filled my nose as I took a methodical sip of the brownish liquid. A chill ran up my spine as I drank. 

"So are you going to tell me what happened." His voice soft, echoing into the cup placed in his lips. 

"Just... past demons." 

"Hm." He grunted "Well we have time.. I'm all ears." 

And so I talked, I talked about my family, my sisters, my mother... I talked about the ex boyfriends who raped me, how no one believed me.. I talked about dropping out and joining the US Army, working hard to become Delta. How I tried to kill myself after I lost my battle. How the 556 was all I had until recently. How painfully alone I was. The more the alcohol flowed the more I opened. All Price did was nod, before we knew it we were laughing and talking about trauma. 

"Hey.. hun you know that you're a good cap'n right??" I slurred, laughing as I shot back another drink. We had switched to some cheap rum. 

"Ya sure there love?" His cheeks flushed, but still fully composed. 

"Shya! Dontcha know I can't lie to you!" 

Our loud conversation filled the room, leading to thudding footsteps rang in the hallway as Price and I were emersed in our drunken stupor. "Em? Price? What in fresh-hell are you fuckin' doin' out here?" Soap asked, yawning as he leaned on the door frame, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"Soapy!!!" I smiled, jumping up from the couch and hugging him. 

"Whoa lass!" He stumbled surprised, looking at a cherry faced Price who simply laughed and shook his head.

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