Chapter 18

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----Embers POV----

As Gaz and I laid side by side in my bed my mind couldn't stop racing. Thoughts plagued me while Gaz rambled on about his time with Harvey, his friend from when he worked in the police. 

"...and this one time, Harvey and I almost crashed the bloody car! Still got the bastard though, miraculously." 

A sharp knock at the door drew our attention. 

"Enter." I sighed, rolling to face away from the door. 

"Ember.. It's done, and we need to have a team meeting." 

"Can't this wait..." I sleepily huffed, Gaz was already pushing past the man who walked into my room, slowly making his way towards me. 

"No... It can't.." Ghosts dark eyes looked into mine with such a soft gaze I felt fragile... 

"...5 Minutes...?" 

"Okay Ember... 5 minutes." He nodded, gently lifting my legs and placing them into his lap as he sat down. 

"Why are you doing this...?"

"I may be an ass... A terrible person even. But somehow I can't bring myself to turn Simon away around you..." 

"What are you saying..?" I sat up slowly, feeling his strong hands pull me into his lap. Cradling me against his chest and pressing his masked lips to the top of my head. 

"I know we've been hot and cold..." 

"You mean you.." 

"Heh... Yes I have been hot and cold... But if you bare with me, in time, maybe we can be more hot than cold..." His once domineering voice now delicate. 

"I won't wait forever..." 

"I know.." He pulled the glove off of one of his hands and gently pressed it to my puffy, tear stained cheek. "But I'll try to not leave you waiting too long..."

"Okay.. But you can't be that mean again, really stung.." 

"Alright love... I will do my best." He laughed softly, pressing his forehead to mine now and sliding his bare hand down to the small of my back. "By the way... You're beautiful." 

"Alright who are you and what have you done with Ghost?" I laughed, burying my face into his covered neck. Breathing in the stale scent of his sweat and cigarettes.  

"Hm.. You can thank the Frenchman for this change. But we really must be going. We really need to talk." 

"Hmph... Fine.."

"We can spend all night together, stick the three of them together... No one is an individual anymore remember?" 

I'm not sure if he knew he was flirting... Or if he truly was this suave, but I liked this side of Ghost... I liked Simon. 

When we reached the briefing room Price was pacing, looking up from the floor when I walked in. My cheeks still red and puffy from crying. 

"Sorry we're late.." I sighed, sitting down next to Soap while Ghost sat on the other side of me. 

I was to engrossed in what Price was talking about to see the silent conversation between Soap and Ghost, which left Soap shaking his head sadly, before looking at me and smiling. 

"Shepherd is behind this, why he selected an American MP I don't know. But Messier is acting on Shepherds account. There is also the concern about this Hound."  Price sighed, "Messier seemed terrified of him. Or at the very least annoyed."

"What are we going to do about Ajax? He's also supposed to be coming back in 2 months." I chimed in, feeling the back Ghosts hand lightly press into my thigh comfortingly.

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