Chapter 10

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----Ghosts POV-----

Light poured into my room, I didn't remember falling asleep after I woke up to Fireflies screams, but I must have. Rolling onto my side I picked up my black Paracord watch, 0700. As good as it was going to get.

I pushed myself off of the hard mattress and made the bed, tightly tucking in the corners. Sloppy room equals sloppy missions. I put on my balaclava and cloths, tightening the black belt I had. The hallway was dimly lit, stale. Walking to the rec room I saw Gaz there, sitting by the coffee table drinking his coffee.

"Mornin' Gaz." I grumbled, walking to the pot of coffee

"Mornin' Ghost. Get any sleep?"

"Hm. You?"

"Yeah.. Same. After the Ember fiasco I couldn't sleep."

"They still in there?"

Gaz nodded, "Soap hasn't left the room at all today, neither has she. They look dashing together don't you think sir?"

My blood boiled. Why? Fuck if I know. "No." Was all I could muster before slamming the coffee back.

"Oh.. Well I think so." Gaz sipped his coffee.

"Good thing we don't pay you to think" I chuckled, walking down the hallway and stopping at Embers room. It was quiet, but you could hear the faint whispering from Soap. The soft hiccups of Ember trying to compose herself again. I knocked on the door, opening it suddenly.

"Rise and shine. Training at 0930." I glared at Soap, his arms around Embers waist. At some point he'd lost his shirt. Ember laid there in her tank top and nestled under the scratchy covers.

I had never felt so angry before. But anger isn't the right word, maybe disappointed? Frustrated? Fuck. Who knows. I just wanted Soap off of her.

"Hey LT. Price gave us the day off, no training." Soap retorted, his hand slowly stroking the whimpering Firefly.

"I never said it was for you Jonny." I stepped into the room, sitting at the small desk chair. "We need to see what skills she still has." Every scar was illuminated in the sun, there must've been hundreds.. Old and new. Like a roadmap they all caressed Embers body.

Soaps hand tightened around her, protecting her from the monster.

Protecting her from me.

"She's ordered to rest today Simon. Psych eval."

"Fine. I want the report of it afterwards then. Since you have nothing to hide."

That's when I saw her, she turned her face away from Soaps bare chest and looked at me. Her eyes looked hollow, like she could see right past everything I've put up. Like she knew every secret. The deep scar on her cheek held her tears close.

"Yes sir..." She whimpered, her voice cracked.

Fuck... She was beautiful even without trying. Eyes red and puffy, cheeks burned red from crying...

I had the urge to throw Johnny out and take his place, rip off every article of clothing until it was my skin she was buried in.

But she had been buried in my skin.. Our combined sweat, even if it was just to scratch an itch.. I wanted that smell back in my room. I wanted to smell her floral shampoo on my pillow again, hear the echos of her moans. I wanted her again. What the fuck is wrong with me..

"If that's all LT, could you please leave, she was just describing some details to me about last night." Soaps voice was cold, low. Like a deep gutteral growl a wolf gets when his pack is cornered.

"Ember when you're ready. I'd like a few words with you in my office." I looked at her eyes again, the soft brown pulling me into the deep gold... I could get lost. To hell with the deep, dark circles that surrounded them. I knew I would be the one to rid her of them if she just let me try..

"Sure Ghost... I'll stop by after psych.." She was tired.. Whatever she dreamed last night had her to afraid to go back to sleep. How badly I wanted to erase all of the pain.

"Johnny could you give us a moment." I asked, not breaking eye contact from Ember.

"All due respect LT, unless Ember wants me to go I'm not moving a single-"

Her hand gently pressed against his inferior bicep, cutting him off. "I could go for a coffee.. You know just how to make it.." Her eyes pleading, a sad smile tugging at her lips.

"Em..." He paused, sighing deeply before standing up, only in his fucking boxers... That stung. His shirt finding its place over him he looked at me, "I'll be back in 20 minutes."

"Hm." I nodded, watching him walk out of the room.

"So.. Simon.." My name sounded like sweet honey off her lips. "What can I help you with?"

"Why didn't you call for me."

"I thought I was just a booty call.." Her eyes cast downwards... Fuck

"Maybe. But you're still my partner in this. I know how to help." That's not what I practiced... What Simon Riley wanted to say.

"I know.. But I didn't want to bother you.."

You never bother me... I want you to bug me at 2 am with all of your fears

"You're apart of the team. Its natural for you to. Just like its my duty to help." I said. But this isn't right. This isn't what I want to say!

"Yes sir..." She sighed

Please just call me Simon!

"I still want you in my office after psych. We have to discuss the plan."

I just want you near me..

A smile tugged at her soft features, "I look forward to it lieutenant."

My rank doesn't matter.. Just call me Simon, call me every day, talk to me about anything... Never stop.

"See you then Firefly."

And the door clicked shut as I walked away...

Im sorry for the short chapter! The next one is expected to get heavy, so please be patient with me! I appreciate every single one of you reading this, you all mean so much to me!!

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