Chapter 24

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---Ghosts POV---

The jet landed about 5 hours later, the cold air nipped my eyes as we descended onto the tarmac. I was thankful for the balaclava on times like this more than ever, watching the rest of the men shivering.

"So this is Montana huh..." Soap whispered, looking around at the mountains and trees littering the area.

"Focus Johnny." I snapped, sleep deprivation affecting me more and more. 

"Sorry Ghost.." Everyone was on edge. If we failed here, we failed her a third time. We all knew what was at stake here, Embers safety. Gaz was silent, Price was fuming, you could practically see the steam coming off of his head. 

"Looks like you boys made it." Laswell smiled, meeting us out on the asphalt. 

"Kate." Price nodded, eyes fixated on her. 

"Price. It's good to see you. Shall we fill you in?" 

"Lead the way." Price nodded, we all followed Laswell to the large blue car that awaited us. Price and Laswell sat in front, smushing Soap, Gaz and I in the back. As we started into the vast forest I gazed out the window, lost in my own thoughts. 

"One day I'll show you my hometown!"  Her laugh filled my head, the way she lit up talking about the states... I could see now why she was so excited. It was beautiful here. As much as she wanted to get out of the states and leave it all behind, how she was willing to throw everything away for our small family. I knew a small part of her would always belong here. 

"We found a small safe house roughly 200 miles in Glacier National Park. We have reason to believe that Lieutenant Lennon was taken there." Laswell informed Price.

"Do we have a plan?" 

"No. This is a blacklisted operation."  

"Do we know how many people are in this safehouse?" Price cocked his head intently. 

"Three including Lennon." 

"Who is the other." I growled

"Specialist Ryder." Laswell carefully said the name. "Were you boys expecting this?" 

"Sadly yes.." Soap sighed, resting his forehead in his hand. 

"Well then we don't have time. We have the trucks ready to start taking us in." 

"We're ready. We can sleep in the truck." I spat, stalking over to the off-road vehicles. Indistinct chattering behind me I found my way into the drivers seat. Snowflake stinging my eyes softly as I got into the car. Fishing the Samsung phone out of my pocket I held it tight, the tarot card phone case smooth in my hand. The Towers... Fitting for Ember. I grabbed the AUX cord attached to the truck, plugging the phone in and playing her playlist; 'I See Red' by Everybody Loves an Outlaw played through the speakers. 

"LT?" I didn't even  notice Soap and Gaz entering the truck, Soap looked at the phone in my hand. 

"You never know when someone will try to use this against us." I made the excuse. 

"Right..." Soap nodded. 

"Follow Laswell, she has the map." Gaz said, leaning back into the seat. "And turn this up... This is a good playlist.." His voice quieter the second time. Glancing back at the man I saw his eyes fixate outside, before closing in an uneasy sleep. Soap stared ahead, listening to the low droning of music in the background from Embers playlist. 

"Ghost! I'm glad you guys made it back.." The way she'd greet us after they'd come back rang in my ears. I never wanted to get attached to anyone again, I hated the idea of needing someone. I found myself craving the knowledge she was there though. Asleep next to me, waiting for me to come home.. 

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