Chapter 12

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--------Embers POV--------

I shifted my weight slowly, trying desperately not to disturb the sleeping giant next to me. Or what I assumed was sleeping. I was pleasantly surprised that I was still fully clothed, just tucked into the sheets. My bare feet touched the bristly carpet, my toes sinking into it softly. Glancing back at the slow rise and fall of Ghost's chest, the even breaths telling me I hadn't disturbed him. Grabbing my jacket I padded slowly towards the door, reaching for the handle I turned it with a soft click.

"Where do you think you're going." The groggy voice called from Ghost unmoved frame.

"To my room?" I whispered, trying to leave still.

"Hm. Why?"

"Because its my room?"

"Yeah. So is this one though."

"No its not Ghost. Its yours." I opened the door slowly, stalking out to the hall.

"I like it better when you're here.." He said, barely above a whisper. I whipped my head around, locking eyes with Ghosts covered face.

"What was that?" I played dumb.

"Nothin'. Goodnight." He turned away, rolling onto his side. Why'd he have to do that... I sighed, turning back into the cold dark room. Treading back to the bed I shimmied out of my leggings, leaving me in only my cheeky underwear. I unhooked my bra from under my shirt, sliding it out from under my long sleeve.

"What are you doin love..." Ghost mumbled, glancing over his shoulder like a pouting child.

"Shut up you brute..." I whispered, climbing back into the bed, turning to face away from him. Curling into the warm covers. Ghost laid on top of the covers, separating himself from me physically.

"Don't call me a brute.."

"I'll call you what I please darlin'.." Sinking deeper into the pillow I felt Ghost shift, turning on his side so he's facing the back of my head. Reaching back I tucked my hair under my neck to keep it out of his face. Weird because he wore the mask, but it was a nice gesture I thought. Feeling his covered face bury itself into my neck I sighed, leaning back into him. Ghosts arm snaked around my waist over the blankets, humming contently into my hair.

"Fine.. get some sleep." He mumbled.

"Yes sir." I giggled softly, sighing softly as sleep slowly embraced me.

The morning light poured into Ghosts room, slowly I opened my eyes to feel he was in the same position as before. It was warm... Comforting. He was the definition of a furnace, the sheets stuck to my skin as I shifted so I was facing the brooding man. Ghost... His eyes were closed, the black around his eyes smeared, showing his pale skin underneath. He was handsome.. I couldn't peel my eyes away from him.

"You have a habit of disturbing a sleeping man... Dangerous act." He groaned, his eyes fluttering open, gazing into what felt like my soul...

"Only when he looks as good as you..." I whispered breathlessly. I don't know why this moment he decided to be so kind. But I would savor this moment like it would never happen again, because it might never happen again...

"Hm.. Cheeky bastard aren't you.." His eyes softened as he rolled over onto his back. Gazing at the popcorn ceiling. "Do you have PT today?"

"Yeah... 11am appointment." I propped myself up on my elbow.

"Might wanna get to your room then."

"Why is that?"

"Your clothes smell like my cigarettes." A low laugh rumbled from his throat, watching me from the side.

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