Chapter 27

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----Ajax's POV----

How could she let this happen? How could Scotty so easily agree to go back with these tea drinking fucks.

The tall one, Simon or Ghost or whatever the fuck the guy called himself, sat across from Emmy. His eyes fixated on her.

His eyes were unwavering, it was unnatural. All he saw was her, its like shes all he's ever seen. He'd be so lucky if she looked at him like that...

"Leave them alone Ajax." Scotty's voice cut. "She's happy. And you fucked up. Own it."

The tape over my mouth prevented me from screaming at him. Emmy was beautiful, wonderful. There wasn't another soul like her! Ghost Simon would just leave her after the mission was over, he had nothing to offer her.

I could give her the world. And she WILL see things my way, I will make sure of that.


The jet stopped to refuel before we flew all the way to Credenhill. Ghost and Emmy were talking in the corner, his hand by her head boxing her in as she leaned against the wall. Her smile so pure and warm as her hand gently stroked his arm. Hairs falling softly in her face as the wind blew up the cargo hull.

The strip of the tape being ripped off struck me suddenly. Blue eyes stared back at me as Soap glared.

"Embers orders. You cooperate and answer any questions and your newfound freedom won't be revoked." His voice like ice.


"Are we almost ready Soap?" Embers eyes twinkled like gems as she bounced up.

"Mhm, you two have a nice talk?"

"Very much so haha. Thank you for doing that for me." She motioned towards me with her head, "It couldn't have been easy."

"I don't know why you care for this assholes comfort. But a happy Em is an easy Em to work with." Soap laughed, wrapping his arms around in a hug.

"I could say the same for another member, who is NOT so happy about this."

"Are you two going to stand here like gossiping teenagers or are we ready to leave?" Ghost Simon spat, eyes fixated on me.

"Ghost... Be nice." Ember sighed, shifting her weight between her hips. "I just wanted to see if he'd cooperate with us."

"He betrayed you Firefly." Ghost Simon sighed heavily, "He let you get hurt. He knew the risk."

Embers hand found its way to his bicep, grasping it tightly.

"And yet I'm still here Ghost. I'm not dead yet."

"Don't say it like that.."

"Simps. The fuckin lot of ya." Soap gested, sitting across from me.

"Ha ha. At least I fuck Soapy." Ember sat next to Soap.

"Hey I fuck! Lots of pretty ladies." Soap winked at Ember.

What the fuck was this? They were acting like best friends. My blood boiled, we were family. When we were in Bangladesh and we all thought Scotty was dead, we had each other. We had no one other than ourselves.

Through all the shit and murk we went through we always had each other. 'Till forever falls apart.. Thats what we always said.

"Scotty how do you do it?" I whispered, looking at him.

"What do you mean Aj?" He leaned down

"Watch her like that? See her like this?"

"Look at her eyes Aj."

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