Chapter 30

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----Embers POV----

"You didn't have to put in for that much leave Simon.." I scolded him softly, guiding him quickly down the hall.

"I know. I wanted to." He chuckled, racing behind me.

We were heading to his room, after Price had dismissed us we had basically ran out there. It had been so long since we've had some... Us time.

Getting to the door I was panting slightly, I didn't realize how quickly I was running to the room. The low laugh from Simon snapped me back to reality, a blush kissing my cheeks. 

"Someone's excited. Miss me?" 

"A man of such few words, and such an addictive thing." 

"Mhm. Whatever you say." He laughed, standing directly behind me as I pushed open the door. His hands already on me as he picked me up. I lifted his balaclava to kiss him passionately, our lips dancing together as he placed me on the bed. 

Simons hand grasped me tightly, pulling me up to him as he pulled his belt and pants off. He never once lifted his lips from mine as the free hand pulled my shorts off, tracing it now up my shirt. 

"I missed you.." He breathlessly whispered, pressing the soft cloth onto my forehead as he gazed into my eyes. 

"I missed you too Simon.." I whimpered, slowly pulling my shirt off. 

"Show me how much you missed me." He smiled, slowly rolling us so I was straddling him. Pulling his shirt off slowly his eyes challenged me. Daring me to make a move.

"Dirty man.. I will gladly show you.." I smiled, leaning down and peppering his neck ad collarbone with kisses. Watching his skin raise with goosebumps as I gently caressed him, to me he was the most perfect glass sculpture. I didn't want to break him.. 

My hips rolled on his, feeling him grow under me I whimpered softly. Pressing my forehead into his shoulder as I pulled at his underwear. Pleading silently to have them off. Which he happily obliged, peeling mine off after his own. 

"Wait.. Should I put on a-?" 

"Have you been with anyone else Simon?" 

"Hm? What?" He asked, making me look at him. 

"Have you fucked anyone else since I've been gone?" I asked again. 


"Neither have I.." 

"Ember... Are you sure?" He looked at me, his brown eyes piercing into me 

"Implant. Good for another 2 years." I laughed, resting my forehead on his clothed one now. "I'm sure my love..." 

"My precious Firefly..." He smiled, kissing me warmly as I slowly sank into him. Our labored breathing barely audible through the kisses. 

As I slowly stretched back to his size, feeling him fully inside me. Uncovered and pure. His groans filled my ear as I leaned into his shoulder now, slowly moving my hips on him. Feeling him inside me, the pressure from his thick cock adding to the bliss. 

His hands found their way to my hips, lightly resting on them as he guided me. Softly bucking his hips into mine, gasps and moans filling the space around us. My nails digging into his skin, leaving loving crescent marks. The hair that fell in my face now being pushed aside by his gruff hand, him staring into my eyes. Even though he was inside me we wanted to be closer, I craved every part of him. 

Sitting up-right now I slowly bounced on him, eyes fixated on his as we said nothing. Our moans and panting breaths filling the silence in the room. That was the thing about us, we never needed to say anything with words. Our eyes said more than words ever could. Whatever our broken souls were made of, his and mine were the same. 

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