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My alarm echoed in my apartment and I groaned in response.

I hit the snooze button and got up lazily. "Fuuuuck" I stretched and cracked my back.

"Dani, get up" Lena called and I sighed. "I don't want to. Go alone" I beg her.

"We promised him we would both be there" Lena said pleading I held up a finger and she paused.

"You-you promised we would be there. I didn't"
I say correcting her before burying my face in my pillow.

Lena walks away and I think I won, but the feeling of my blanket ripped off of my body told me otherwise.

"You're an evil person" I say and next thing I know she's dragging me off of my beloved bed.

"I don't appreciate this!" I shout and she starts laughing before letting my foot go.

"What time does it start?" I ask.

"In forty fucking minutes. And we're not even on the road yet" Lena says in disbelief and I chuckle at her.

"Bad luck huh" I say and smirk.

"No, nuh-uh. No excuses, come on" Lena says and I frown at her before getting up

I fix my hair and put a cap on and then a pair of blue ripped jeans, an oversized football jersey and vans to go, and light makeup.

"You happy now?" I ask Lena as we walk out of our rooms at the same time.

"Yup. Let's go" Lena says. I groan as I take my purse and I slam our apartment door and lock as she already skipped down the stairs.

"I hate you" I sing as I run down the stairs past her.

"Shut it, you love me" she insisted and I scoffed. "I hate third wheeling" I say and cross my arms as we walk to our car.

"That's funny. He says the same thing when all three of us are together" Lena snorts.

"I don't like him and his stupid French. I know he only calls me the bad words he knows" I argue and I get in and turn the engine on in our Mercedes AMG

I drove to the track and groan the whole way. I don't know how Lena could live with me.

I'm a pain in the ass.

Lena takes her phone out and dials and I roll my eyes as we make it to the parking lot for the drivers.

I give our names at security and we're let in and park next to the drivers' fancy cars.

"Hey babe, we're here. We ran a bit late" Lena says in her innocent voice and I snort at her.

"Alright, thank you. We will see you after the race" Lena says and I smirk at her.

"He's racing in a few minutes and can't see us before the race, so we go in and watch and then meet him at the garages- what?" Lena asks and points at my smirk.

"You're buying me breakfast, that's the deal, you bring me here, I get my ice coffee with caramel and my donut" I say and she sighs.

"Alright, alright. Come on" Lena says and we get out of the car and are let in without trouble.

Lena buys me what I wanted and then we go and take a spot.

The race begins and our eyes follows Lena's boyfriend and I wear a scowl on my face. I hate the races. I hate the danger. The risks.

I pull my phone out and start scrolling and as hours pass they're done and we go back to the garages.

"Uhhh that's a nice shirt" Lena says as she spots a jersey with the number 10 on it and I roll my eyes.

"You're boosting his ego. Please don't" I whine and she laughs before I pull her away from the small shops.

We walk straight through the paddocks and see multiple drivers turn their heads to us.

They whisper and look at us confused.

We go straight into the AlphaTauri paddock and Pierre meets us at the entrance.

"Hey loser" Pierre greets me after kissing Lena and I glare at him.

"Watch it, Gasly" I threaten and a smirk appears on his lips and I shake my head no.

"Whatever you're thinking do-" I start and I scream as Pierre sprays cold water on my face.

"Ew, I got Pierre Gasly saliva all over me" I whine and Pierre laughs as well as Lena.

"Wait-I could sell this to the fans! I'm
Gonna be a millionaire" I say and my eyes widen.

"Fuck off" Pierre grumbles and turn to Lena. "She's grumpy. I had to pull her out of bed. Literally" Lena explains and Pierre nods with a chuckle.

"I believe you" He snorts and I glare at the two.

Third wheeling. Again.

"Alright, follow me, I'll show you around and then we go" Pierre says and we nod before following him.

He shows us the garage and then the pit lanes, we walk through it and as we do, I lock eyes with this brunette beautiful man.

We stare at each other and I send him a smile. He returns the smile with a bright smile, teeth showing and everything and a nod at the end.

I look away and follow Lena. Well that was hot.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Lena asks me as she ditches Pierre to talk to me.

"Just this hot dude" I say and pft to make it seem like nothing.

"Uh what hot dude?" She asks looking around wildly. "Uhm excuse me-hot Frenchman boyfriend, right here" Pierre says clearing his throat.

"Oh right" Lena says and I snort at her.

"Oh right?" Pierre repeats her words and I laugh knowing what's about to happen.

"What?" Lena asks innocently.

"Why do you say it like that?" Pierre asked offended.

The two starts bickering and I laugh as I follow them.

I then see the brunette again talking to another driver. I wink at him and flash him a smile, which he returns with a small laugh and a nod my way.

Hot, hot, hot.

"Guys I'm driving home" I tell them as I catch up to Pierre and Lena.

"Alright, I'm coming with you" Lena says and Pierre kisses her goodbye.

"You're coming tonight right?" Pierre asks and Lena and I look at each other and nod.

"Of course" Lena says and kiss Pierre once again. I gagged and go to the car ditching them. I reverse out of the spot and park next to the happy couple and then she gets in.

"I love him" Lena says dreamily. "Have you told him that?" I ask her with a knowing look.

"Pfft no" Lena says and I laugh.

"That's not necessary after three years" Lena insist and I snort at her and roll my eyes.

"Who's side are you on?" Lena asks and cross her arms.

"Yours, always" I say and blow her a kiss. She smiles satisfied.

"Now, about that driver, how hot was he?" Lena asks and squeals in excitement.

"Hot! I have never seen anything like him. Wow" I say breathless and see him in my head again.

"Maybe you will meet him tonight" Lena says and I nod.


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