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I'm dancing with a stranger in the middle of a club, I'm already drunk as hell, probably high as a kite as well.

I feel everything go into slow motion as I see Charles make his way through the crowd, his eyes locked with mine.

I lean my head back into the guys neck as he kisses down my neck, a moan releases from my throat, my eyes are still locked with his.

He comes up to us and I smirk as he stands in front of us.

"My turn" Charles says and the guy looks up, Charles gives him a stern cold look and the guy backs off.

I smirk and slide my hands up from his stomach, to his chest, to his collarbone, to his shoulders where I wrap them around his neck.

He smirks down at me and we start to move to the music. "Come with me, mon amour" Charles says in my ear and let his lip brush against my earlobe.

I keep a moan down and hide the tingles I feel from his lips on my skin.

"Non" I say and smirk as I turn my back to him in a swift move, out of instinct Charles grab my hips and hold me in place in front of him.

"Cherie" Charles begs and I chuckle. "Keep begging" I say in a sultry voice. I didn't have to pretend to be turned on. He did the job perfectly.

His hands slide down from my hip to my thigh. To the edge of the small satin dress. He ran his hand up my thigh underneath the dress, bringing the fabric up my thigh and I suppress a moan and I bite my lip.

"S'il vous plaît, Cherie" Charles whispers smoothly in my ear, his hand stops the dress from showing too much skin, as he runs his hand up my hip outside my dress and up to my stomach, ribs, the side of my breasts and then to my cheek.

He had surprisingly soft hands, with a certain roughness.

I bite my lip as he begged me. He literally begged me.

I take his hand in mine softly and pull him behind me through the crowd.

I didn't have to look back to see the smirk on his face, thinking he achieved what he wanted, that his begging worked.

I bring him to the tables we had reserved, the rest room being close enough, he thought I was bringing him to the restroom.

But much to his surprise I push him down in the booth, confusion written in his face.

"I already told you that your charms doesn't work on me, amour" I say with a smirk and pat his thigh as I lean down to tell him.

"You will, don't worry, Cherie" Charles calls after me.

"And soon!" Charles shouts as I keep walking, not once turning around to acknowledge him.

I find myself a hot stranger, make sure he's single and we're on our way to the restroom.

I pass Charles, George and Lena on the way and she smirks at me in approval and George doesn't register it.

Charles scoffs and shakes his head. Finally feeling some sort of defeat to this round of the game.

"Oh shit, wait for me in there, I forgot something" I tell him as we get inside.

He nods hungrily and I walk back out and pull Lena with me.

"Charles is so mad, what's going on with you two?" Lena asks. I tell her what happened on the dance floor and she shrieked in excitement.

"He's like the Christian Grey to your Anastasia Steele" Lena gasps drunkenly and I laugh at her.

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