Thirty Seven

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I put on my hoodie and training shorts and shoes as I left my bedroom.

I tip toed out of the room as Charles slept peacefully in my bed.

I took my headphones with me and texted Lena. I forced her to join me.

She did since she knew she couldn't escape me.

I hug her as she comes into the gym. She yawns and scratch her messy bun. "You realize what time it is right?" Lena says and I chuckle.

"I do. Let's talk" I say and nod at the treadmill. Lena groans but follows me.

We start by walking for twenty minutes then running. "I'm with Charles. Officially" I say and she looks at me shocked, but with such happiness and excitement.

She got too excited and forgot that she was running and she slipped off of the treadmill and landed on her ass.

I bursted out laughing and slowed down the speed before jumping off.

"How did that work out for you?" I ask her and she hugs me with a laugh.

"Yes! Fuck yes! No more hoeing around" Lena says and I scoff at her.

"What do you mean? I didn't hoe around" I say confused.

She gives me a ' really' look and I scoff.

"Whatever" I retort before getting up.

"So where is he now?" Lena asks as she dusts herself off.

"In my room, sleeping" I say and start up the treadmill. Before I know it she hits my shoulder and I curse in pain.

"What the hell lena!?" I hiss at her. "What the hell are you doing here then? You left him?" Lena says while sounding like a scolding mom.

"He's a big boy, he'll be fine" I say and laugh at her. "Did you tell him you left?" Lena asks raising an eyebrow.

I realize I didn't and smile innocently. "Sure, yeah" I say and Lena crosses her arms.

"Go back now! That's so rude, Dani" Lena says in disbelief.

"What? He's fine" I say and flip her off and as I start walking towards the weights, Lena grabs the edge of my hoodie and pull me with her out of the gym.

"Lena what the hell!" I shout and she lets go once the gym door is closed.

"Go back right now!" I glare at her before she pulls me to the elevator and press my floor number.

"What is it with you?" I ask her and cross my arms confused.

"You agree to be together and the first morning you have together after everything, you leave him while he sleeps? Pft bad girlfriend" Lena scolds me and I laugh.

It was weird hearing her call me Charles' girlfriend. It gave me a warm and calm feeling, but it was new.

"Sorry, I must have missed that class in girlfriend training" I retort and Lena can't help but chuckle.

"Besides we got girls night tonight, so spend all the time you can with your new boyfriend before we come and steal you away" Lena says and I nod.


The ding reminds us that we had arrived and we both walk out. Lena and Pierre's room were across mine.

So she watched me go back in, before she unlocked her own door and went inside.

I chuckle as I close the door behind me. Charles' eyes meets mine and I smile. He was shirtless....dressed in jeans....but shirtless. I loved it.

"Good morning" I say and he smiles at me before coming over to hug me and peck my lips.

"Where did you go?" Charles asks me while holding my face softly as we gazed at each other.

"Gym, I couldn't sleep" I say and kiss him again. "You were awake a lot, was there any particular reason?" Charles asks me as he pulls away.

I wrap my arms around his waist and smile. "Nothing you need to worry about" I say and pull his face down to kiss me again.

"I'm gonna take a shower" I say as we pull away again. I take off my hoodie and Charles' eyes fly to my sports bra.

"Feel free to join if you want" I call after him as I leave for the bathroom.

I strip my clothes off leaving a trail and I turn on the hot water, I get in and seconds later Charles walks in.

He strips the jeans and underwear before opening the glass door and joins me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him as the water run down our bodies. Charles push me back against the wall of the shower and grab my ass, so I jump and lock my legs around his waist.

I moan at the feeling of his hard dick already against my heat. "Fuck" I moan and lean my head back.

He slides in and I immdiately moan at the feeling and I hold on to Charles' shoulders as he fucks me hungrily against the wall.

After a few minutes, Charles put me down and turn me around. I bend over a little and he slides right back in. I moan as Charles grab my hips and slam into me hard and fucks me furiously.

I feel my legs tremble as my orgasm build up. "Fuck yes, I'm close" I whine and moan as he speeds up.

"Fuck" Charles grunts and we come at the same time. I feel my juices run down my legs as well as Charles'.

"You're amazing" Charles says huskily in my ear from behind.

He nips my earlobe and I chuckle. "So are you" I say and he nuzzles his head into my neck and press kisses there as we shower.

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