Thirty Two

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My nightmares were still bothering me from the car crash, so when we went to bed, I got about four hours of sleep.

I got up and got dressed for the gym, after my gym session, I showered and got dressed in my work uniform.

Then I went to get breakfast before work.

"You're up early" A familiar voice says from behind me. I don't bother turning around.

"Well observed" I compliment sarcastically.

"Will you stop that? I'm trying here" Charles says and pull my arm to make me turn to him.

I see his bruised cheek bone. I can't help but chuckle dryly as I remember Pierre's words.

"Nice face, jackass" I comment with a scoff and turn back around to get my food and find an empty table.

Not more than thirty seconds later, Charles sits down in front of me.

I sigh annoyed and glare at him. "What? I can sit here. It's public you don't own the restaurant" Charles comments and starts eating his food.

"I hate you" I blurt at him. His eyes soften at my outburst and guilt glints in his eyes.

"Leave me alone. Don't talk to me, don't come near me. We're done" I say and ditch my food before going to the valet.

He gets my keys and car to me and I get in, but as I drive away I see Charles trying to get his car on his own.

I drive in my Mercedes that I got to borrow and I drove to the track.

By now it was six in the morning. Barely any people were here.

I got through the entrance and heard the sound of tires breaking hard. I don't need to turn around to know it was Charles.

I walk to the Mercedes hospitality and take hasty steps as I hear Charles get through with no trouble.

"Daniella!" Charles calls out. I hear his footsteps take off and he runs up to me and stands in front of me, stopping my walk.

"Talk to me, shout at me, hit me if you need to, just do something!" Charles basically begs me.

I scoff at him and walk around him, only to have him grab my arm and pull me back.

"I mean it. Take it out on me. I can't take this, get it over with" Charles says angrily.

"I already told you enough. 'We're done' remember?" I repeat my words and pull my arm out of his grip.

"Do you know why I left?" Charles asks. I stop in my steps for a second.

"I know why" I say and look at him angrily over my shoulder.

"I don't think you do, because I didn't tell anyone" Charles says and walks up to me.

"Then do tell me, tell me why you left when I needed you the most" I retort. Hurt flashes in his eyes, but I stand my ground.

"I-I—""—Dani? Are you here already?" A voice calls out. "Hi Lewis, yeah" I say with a smile and he smiles back at me clueless to the situation.

"Thank you for last night, I had fun" Lewis says and I chuckle.

"Well, it's not what my usual fun entails, but sure" I say with a laugh.

"I'm standing right here, Daniella" Charles snaps angrily. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"So? We're having a conversation" I retort and he glares at me hard.

"So were we" Charles says and I shrug.

"Wouldn't call it a conversation. But I gotta run, bye" I say and walk around him.

"I'll meet you later" Lewis said and I nodded back at him before he left the opposite way.

"Daniella, wait!" Charles says with a sigh.

"What do you want from me? Charles? Do you want me to forgive you? To praise you and whatever reason you have for leaving me? What do you want from me!" I blurt out angrily.

I was fed up. He's a game. But I'm not playing.

"I want you to hear me out. Please. Meet me tonight" Charles begs me.

"Fine! I will think about it!" I say and ditch him to get to my office.

I work all day, I eat small snacks as food and I work till it's dark.

Lena and Pierre came to see me, but I barely had time to step away.

I'm listening to music with my AirPods in, I'm buried so deep in the work that I don't hear my door opening.

I look up surprised and see Charles, I see his lips and jaw moving, but I couldn't hear a thing.

I hold up a finger and he pauses. I find my phone in the mess and pause my music and take one bud out.

"What?" I ask him impatiently.

"Did you think about it?" Charles asks with a sigh.

"Didn't have the time, sorry" I say not meaning a word and put my bud back in.

Charles is quick to take it out and leans down to my face. "Then I'll do it here. You listen I talk" Charles insists.

I lean back and take my other bud out. "It's funny isn't it?" I ask him with a small chuckle and he looks at me confused.

"For a month I begged to talk to you, for you to explain. Just to hear from you. Now I don't give a shit in the world to hear you talk" I blurt out.

"You know what? I'm trying here! Daniella, I made a mistake and I fucked it up. I know. That's no excuse. But damnit let me explain" Charles half shouts.

"Well, you're talking now—well more like shouting. But whatever works for you" I retort with a smirk.

"Don't be like that" Charles says quietly. "Be like what?" I ask and smirk at him.

"Don't be the bitch I met first" Charles says as he sees how I'm acting.

"She never left. I made the mistake of trusting you, loving you even. It won't happen again" I say and smile at him.

"Daniella, I left because I thought you were gonna die" Charles says. It knocks off my smile and my face changes to confusion.

"And how does that make it better that you left me?" I ask confused.

"It was like Jules, Anthoine and my father. I lost everyone. I finally find the woman for me and I love—I love too hard. You got hurt and I couldn't be there. I was a coward and left. I was terrified, but then you recovered and I didn't tell anyone what was going on. Pierre shut me out and I tried to convince him to make you talk to me" Charles said with tears in his eyes.

"I grieved for you, I realized I couldn't take it. Not again. Not another loved one leaving me and most definitely not you. So I made sure of one thing. I couldn't lose you, if I didn't have you" Charles said, tears were in his eyes threatening to spill.

I clench my jaw and remain cold. Tears are threatening to roll like a waterfall, but I force them back.

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