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Charles and I said nothing more, I think both of us wanted to enjoy the odd peace.

I let him hold my hand and I squeezed his hand back.

"Join me for a walk?" I ask and he nods.

We paid and left the cafe, we walked to the beach and walked in the sand.

His hand grazed against mine as we walked side by side.

"We would probably break each others hearts" Charles speaks up after a few minutes of silence.

"We probably would" I agree and chuckle as Charles does too.

"Pierre made me promise to not do anything with you, so I intend to keep my promise" I say and Charles nods.

"Alright, there's only one problem with that" Charles says and I raise an eyebrow confused.

"You already broke it" Charles says and crash his lips onto mine as he pulls me towards him.

I fight the urge to kiss him back, but as his hand caress my cheek and jaw I feel myself kissing him back.

He holds my face softly as he goes to deepen the kiss I pull away abruptly.

"Charles!" I exclaim in disbelief. A cheeky smirk is on his lips where mine had been two seconds ago.

"That's twice now" Charles says and I hit his shoulder. "Screw you" I retort and walk away.

A slap to my ass makes me jump in surprise and Charles swoop his arm around my waist as he runs up to me.

"If only you would let me" Charles retorts and I can't help, but laugh.

"Be careful what you wish for, Leclerc" I say tauntingly and he laughs in response.

"This is a good date" Charles says and I pry his hands off of my waist and he laughs at me.

"You're so touchy" I say and cringe at him.

"You love when I touch you, admit it" Charles says in a rougher tone.

"I don't think I have anything to say to you" I say and turn my back to him.

"Chèrie, wait up" Charles calls after me.

"And this is not a date" I correct him as he catches up to me.

"It is, we shared feelings, a kiss and you asked me to screw you. It's a date" Charles says with a cheeky smile.

"I don't like you" I tell him and cross my arms.

"You will" Charles says and plants a kiss to my temple as he put his arm around my shoulder and pull me into his side.

"Don't go soft on me now, Leclerc" I comment and he snorts.

"I'll always be rock hard for y—"—Don't finish that sentence" I interrupted as I realized what he was saying.

Charles smirks in reply and I roll my eyes.

"You're a man child" I comment and laugh at him.

Charles walked with me back to the hotel, when we were at the elevator I got in, but he stayed put.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask confused.

"I have something I need to do, but thank you for the date, Chèrie. I had a good time, I can't wait for the next one" Charles says with a smirk.

"Sure" I say and Charles' smirk drops. He expected me to argue with him.

"Really? Tomorrow at 7?" Charles asks quickly not letting the opportunity pass him.

"I'll think about it" I say and Charles smirks. He stops the doors from closing and leans forward.

He lifts my chin and plants a soft kiss to my lips and I let him.

"Goodnight, Carlos" I say and Charles shakes his head at my lame joke.

"Goodnight, amour" Charles says and smiles at the doors close.

I walk up to Lena and Pierre's room and burst in.

"Helloooooo fuckers" I shout to warn them in case they were doing kinky stuff.

"Dani! Knock for Christ sake!" Pierre shouts and covers himself as they were going at it on the couch.

I burst out laughing and Lena covers herself with a blanket and I cross my arms.

"So, I was told an apology was waiting for me?" I ask and cut right to the case.

"Now there ain't" Pierre grumbles as he walks out of the living room with a blanket around his lower parts.

"You had to?" Lena whines and start to put on her underwear and get dressed.

"I did" I confirm and sit at the other end of the couch.

"What happened today? In Pierre's room?" Lena asks in a serious tone.

I tell her how Charles acted and then that I met him on the beach.

"Are you dating my best friend?" Pierre asks as he comes back in, he had obviously heard everything.

I didn't mind. I wanted the cards on the table.

"I'm not, he did insist that we were on a date. He did also ask me out tomorrow night also, but I'm thinking you guys got a race to win and he's full of bullshit?" I say and Pierre can't help but laugh.

"If you really need to get it out your system, fuck him. But don't come crying to me when he doesn't return the feelings" Pierre says and dismiss the whole thing.

"Even if I did fuck him, he would be the one crying to you because I didn't return the feelings" I correct and shoot him a sarcastic smile.

"Fine. You're grown ups, both of you. Do what you need to do, we'll be here" Pierre says and pull Lena into his side as he sits down next to her.

"Thank you, baby" Lena says and lean her head onto his chest.

"Are you thanking me for letting your best friend fuck my best friend?" Pierre asks and Lena nods and we all burst out laughing.

"In all seriousness, is there anything to it?" Lena asks and I shake my head no.

"He's hot, sexy and can be sweet, but only to his own gain. Not my type to settle down with" I say and shrug as I lean back into the couch.

"You two are perfect for each other" Pierre mumbles and run a hand over his face and I snort as Lena laughs at him.

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