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It was now two weeks later, there had been many dates since then, I was on another date with Charles last night, he took me out on a boat and we came back in the early morning. He stole small kisses here and there and continuously tried to charm me.

I went to bed with a smile on my face. Luckily he would never know.

I wake up to the sound of shouting, door slamming. I raise my head and groan.

I get out of my beloved bed and see Lena standing in my doorway, shouting her lungs out.

"Fuck you! How could you do this to me!?" Lena screams at who I now see is Pierre.

I raise an eyebrow. "What's going on here?" I ask confused. That's when I noticed Lena was crying.

Full on crying. Makeup running down her face, pajamas still on. Which meant she had left their room to go to me, so urgently she couldn't change clothes

"Lena! Listen to me! I did not cheat on you! I promise! You're the love of my life! I don't understand what's going on, please" Pierre says with a thick accent.

"I saw the videos, the pictures! I let you get your space for three days and you cheat on me!" Lena screams.

"Guys—calm down. What's going on here?" I ask once again and step in between them.

Still in only an oversized shirt.

Lena cries as she gives me her phone. A girl had messaged her and sent her pictures and videos of Pierre with a girl on his lap.

My jaw drops.

"Shit" I curse and bite my lip. "What? Please, tell me—""—Get the fuck out of my room, Pierre" I say and push him back.

I close the door behind me as I walk out in the hall.

"Listen to me, when she's ready, she will come to you for an explanation. Now she needs to escape you, you're gonna let her. You're gonna give me her things after the race today, and then you're going to leave her alone until she's ready. And I, will need to talk to you later. Okay?" I tell him calmly.

"Fine. Be there for her okay? Don't let her do something bad, be there for her" Pierre begs and I nod.

"Now go. Get her things to me later" I say and he nods in defeat.

"I didn't cheat" Pierre says with such sadness and sincerity that it almost hurt me to hear.

I sigh as he walks away painfully slow.

I go back in and see Lena in my bed crying. I lock the door and hop in next to her.

"Tell me everything" I say and she starts bawling her eyes out and I hold her as she tells me everything.

After the race I did my tasks with the Mercedes drivers and then proceeded to avoid Charles and go to AlphaTauri.

I couldn't handle both him and the Lena and Pierre situation.

"Are these her things?" I ask as I interrupt Pierre and his engineers as they're talking.

I take the bags I recognized and started to walk out of the garage and to the pit lane.

"Dani, wait, is she here? I need to see her"
Pierre said and stopped me.

"No. She's not here. And she has nothing to say to you, so that won't be necessary" I say and push past him. I walk out on the pit lane with her bags and Pierre grabs my arm.

"It's a misunderstanding! I promise! I love her" Pierre says to me.

"She doesn't care" I say to him coldly and he looks at me like his world is falling apart.

"Now let me go" I say and pull my arm out of his grip and keep walking.

I hear Pierre release a stressed grunt before running up to me again. "Get off of me! I told you already" I hiss at him as he tries to grab my arm again.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Great. Of course.

"Stay out of it" both Pierre and I tell Charles.

He clenched his jaw as I look at him. I look away. "You two are done. We're going home" I say to Pierre, telling him our final decision.

"What? You're going home?" Charles asks softer and steps up to me.

"Don't" I warn him with tears appearing in my eyes as I look up at him.

"When were you going to tell me?" Charles asks hurt. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"You two can bitch later. Someone's got real issues here" Pierre spits and grab my shoulders.

"Tell her that I won't accept her leaving. I love her, it's a misunderstanding. Tell her to hear me out! Please Daniella" Pierre begs me.

"Let go of her, mate" Charles butts in and shove his arms away from me.

"Stop" I say to them both.

"You don't understand, Charles" Pierre says.

"I do. I understand. What you don't understand is that you don't grab someone like that" Charles says and cross his arms as he stands slightly in front of me.

"I can't deal with this shit" I whisper under my breath and turn on my heel and run the opposite way.

"Dani! Wait!" Pierre shouts and I look over my shoulder. Charles grabs him from running after me.

But I see the pain in his eyes as he does so. I tear my eyes away and run to the McLaren garage.

"I need to go through here" I whisper to myself and hurry through, before I know it a new pair of hands stops me from running.

"Daniella?" Lando asks confused and worried.

"What are you doing here?" Lando asks and take his hands back down.

"I was just leaving" I say and turn to look to the pit lane. Charles runs up to the garage and stops while panting as he sees me.

We look at each other and Lando looks back and forth. "I need to go" I say and run past him.

Charles let's me go. He saw me leave in my car. I was going to go back to England with Lena. Then I was going to work from home for a few days and then I would return to the races.

But I needed Lena to get her head straight before leaving her.

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