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After a long good talk with Daniel, we had to part ways. I watched my brother race and couldn't help but sit on the edge of my seat.

Anytime he got too close to a wall, or another driver, my nerves ran all over the place.

When he was done I greeted him and hugged him tightly.

"I don't know if I can get used to watching you drive" I mumble in his shoulder.

"I hope you can, it helps me when you're here" Victor says and I smile and pull away.

"I'm glad to be here for you" I say and smile, Victor does too, but then it falters.

Almost like he remembered something.

"What's wro—""—Good drive Mr. Lorenzi!" Arthur shouts as he slap his hand onto my brothers back and he jumps in surprise.

I stay quiet as Arthur had interrupted my question. Maybe it was my luck, maybe it saved me an unpleasant conversation.

"I'll take off, are you riding with me back to the hotel?" I ask Victor and he shakes his head no.

"I made plans with Arthur, but thanks" Victor says with a small smile and I nod.

"Alright, I will see you" I tell the two and they nod back with a smile.

As I leave I hear Arthur ask questions about me. I ignore it and keep walking.

Every formula 1 driver had left, so I got a taxi to the hotel.

I read the mails I got from Mercedes and prepared myself to start the job soon enough.

I was excited, it's what I loved doing, it was only another bonus that I had to work closely with Lewis and George.

I adored the two, they are amazing drivers, with great personalities.

I scroll through instagram as I wait to arrive at the hotel, but I decide to stop on the way as I see a small Café.

I pay the taxi driver and exit the taxi and enter the cafe. It had a view over the water, I ordered an iced coffee with caramel and sipped it as I watched the sunset.

I enjoyed some quietness, some alone time.

I took some pictures and posted it on my story. I smiled as Lena liked it almost immediately.

Hit me up when you come back to the hotel. Pierre wants to apologize. X love u!

I chuckle at the message and reply.

Of course x love you too

I hear the sound of a voice clearing and I look up and the smile is wiped off of my face almost immediately.

"Connor?" I ask and fight hard to stop myself from laughing at the face expression Charles wore, when I said that.

"I hate when you do that" Charles grumbles and glares at me hard.

"What do you want?" I ask him with a small chuckle.

"Can I sit with you?" Charles asks and I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him.

"Why?" I ask and cross my arms. "It's packed here, besides this is my usual spot" Charles says and sits down without me saying yes to it.

"You come here?" I ask him surprised. He didn't seem like the type to go out in quiet places.

"I do, it's my favorite cafe here in Hungary" Charles says with a charming smile.

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