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Authors note/
This is second last chapter guys! 🥺

We were watching F3 racing. Victor and Arthur were on each others tail all the time.

The two followed closely to each other even though they weren't racing for the same teams.

My knee bounced up and down and I bit my nails. F1 had just had Quali, so Charles wasn't here yet.

I had a bad feeling. I couldn't shake it off.
Lena tried to calm me down but she ended up getting nervous herself.

"Is that your brother out there?" Lando asked me and I nodded.

"I hope he's careful, this track is insane"
Lando mumbles and Lena hit her elbow into Lando's side.

"Ow! What was that for?" Lando hissed. "If you had trouble in this track, how do you think it makes her feel when her brother is F3!?" Lena snapped and flicked the back of his head.

"Ow! Again?" Lando whined and rubbed the back of his head.

"Dani!" Daniel shouted, his tone was off and I turned to him his eyes were on the track. I followed his eyes and saw smoke from a car.

My brothers car. He crashed into a wall.

"Dani!" Everyone shouts as I walk out on the pit lane in shock. "No! No!" I shout. I look back and see Charles by his car. His car hadn't been taken out yet. He sees and gets back into his car.

He races up to my side and I hop in on the side. He grabs my arm in one hand and steer with the other.

He drives us to the crash and Arthur had raced back to him as well. I jump off and Charles and Arthur leave their cars as well.

"Wait! Don't get too close!" Arthur shouts. I run in the stones to get to his car.

The paramedic team hadn't arrived yet, no one had arrived to help him.

I without a second thought take off and run up to the fire. "Victor!! Can you hear me?!" I shout as loud as I can.

"I'm stuck! Help me!" Victor screams in pain. I start to panic and I look back at Charles and Arthur who is shouting at everyone to help us.

I curse before running through the fire. I climb onto the side and try pull Victor out.

"Dani! Get out of there!" Charles shouts. Victor grabs my arms and I pull him out, he screams as his foot was stuck badly, but I pulled him out.

I fell backwards as I pulled him and we landed in the stones and I coughed violently as he landed on top of me and crushed my bones. Air got sucked out of me and I felt my ribcage shooting pains in my body.

Arthur grabbed Victor and Charles hoisted me into his arms. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Charles shouts at me worried.

I cough and try to nod. My lungs felt like giving up on me as I coughed.

I turned in Charles' arms and put my palms on the ground and coughed a bit of blood up.

"Fuck! Hang on, help is coming" Charles shouted as he saw the blood.

"Is he—is he okay?" I asked through breaths.

"He's okay, you saved him" Charles says with a nod. I smile and continue to cough.

Charles pressed a kiss to my forehead and held me as we sat in the ground. Victor came over and Arthur helped him walk. "Dani, are you okay?" Victor asks with a sob and falls to his knees in front of me.

Charles' hand was bloodied from my small coughs. "I'm fine" I say and smile. Victor takes my hand in his and the paramedics come.

We're both taken to the hospital and Arthur and Charles follows as well as Lena and Pierre.

They wasted no time to getting there.

"I'm sorry" Victor cried and I squeezed his hand.

"Don't be, you drove like a champion out there" I say and look to the side and he smiles through his tears.

"But I crashed" Victor says. "Even champions crash"

A small part of me was nervous that maybe Charles wouldn't show up. Like last time.

But he got to the hospital before we did. The ambulance was slower than Charles driving in his Ferrari. He was the first face I saw when I was wheeled in.

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere!" Charles called after me as they rolled us away.

I got checked and got some morphine for the pain. My lungs had taken a hard hit when Victor fell on top of me with his gear on.

It was only a little blood I had coughed up. I was gonna be fine.

"Boyfrieeeeeend" I called out happily as Charles walked through the door with Lena and Pierre.

"Is she high? She's high" Pierre concluded and Lena and Charles laughed.

"This is gonna be good" Lena said. She brought me into a bone crushing hug.

"You are crazy do you know that?" Lena scolded me. "I love you, you're the prettiest woman ever, you're my sister and my best friend in one!" I told her as a matter of fact.

Pierre and Charles snorted. "Where is Victor?" I ask them. "I made a deal with the hospital, they're changing his room to yours as well. So you two will stay together" Charles said and kissed my forehead.

"That's so sweet" I said dreamily. Charles sat on the side of the bed and put his arm behind my pillow.

"How long are you gonna be on morphine?"
Pierre asked and I shrugged.

"Long enough" I say and boop his nose with a giggle. "Daniella on drugs, again" Pierre said with a sigh.

"Again?" Charles asked confused and Lena and Pierre shared a knowing look.

"Let's just say something went down in Dubai and we're not talking about it" Lena said and Pierre chuckled.

"Do I want to know?" Charles asked with a small worried laugh.

"No!" All three of us said in unison.

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