Thirty One

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Two and a half month passed, I didn't hear a word from Charles. He didn't call or text to see how I was doing.

So I gave him the same treatment back.

I deleted his number from my phone—to not drunk call him whenever I got drunk.

Lena and I partied hard, Pierre was doing his best to keep up with us and be supportive.

I had worked hard to not see Charles. I kept my distance and I actually proceeded to only see him three times.

All three times I didn't give him a single glance, not a word, look or emotion. It was like I didn't even know him.

I had started working out intensely, it was required to work my strength back up, the bones I fractured from the crash had healed.

I was doing okay, really. I was fine.

"Alright, Dani, that's enough" Pierre snaps and shoved the guy off of me.

Alright, maybe I wasn't completely fine. I wasn't really doing okay...

"What the hell man?" He shouts and I can't even remember his name.

I chuckle drunkenly as I see Lena and Pierre. Lena is just as shit faced as I am.

"Get out of here" Pierre warns the guy and he does.

"Why are you like this? That guy was practically trying to fuck you in the middle of the room" Pierre says in disbelief and I wipe my bottom lip from the drink I had chugged.

"That was kind of the point, club or hotel room? Who cares" I say and chuckle.

Pierre shakes his head visibly disappointed and Lena giggles.

"Don't encourage her!" Pierre snaps at Lena and holds her firmly.

"Sorry, baby. But this is damage control. Thank your asshat friend for that" Lena says and Pierre runs a hand over his face in annoyance.

Fucking Ferrari driver.

"Fuck the Ferrari team!" Pierre blurts out in frustration. "She did, at least 1/2 of it" Lena says in a duh tone and Pierre glares at her.

"Look at yourself, Dani!" Pierre shouts.

"I don't see the problem?" I say as I look down at my appearance.

"Fucking hell, what is he doing here?" Pierre suddenly says as he looks at the entrance.

I see who he looks at and my smile grows. I find myself pushing through the crowd to him.

"Art!" I shout and Arthur turns around, as he sees me his eyes widen, but then hugs me.

"Daniella? What the hell are you doing here?" Arthur asks while laughing as he sense how drunk I am.

"According to Pierre—swimming in dicks" I say using the words Pierre always repeated to me.

"Charming" Arthur retorts and laughs at me.

"Do you want to say hi?" I ask and nod at Pierre and Lena.

Arthur nods excitedly and I pull him through the crowd. "Look who's hereeee" I sing and Pierre bro hugs Arthur and Lena hugs him as well.

"How have you been?" Arthur asks us three. We all look at each and don't know what to answer.

"Well, I'm living in chaos everyday because of these two" Pierre says and points at Lena and I.

I scoff and cross my arms. "Don't say that like it's a bad thing" I say and Lena laughs.

"How are you and Charles?" Arthur asks me and my blood runs cold. All three of us turn to him in confusion.

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