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"I won't hurt you" Charles promised me as he held my face softly in his hands.

"Good. I won't hurt you either" I promise as well with a small smile.

"Good" Charles says and connect his lips to mine.

"Are you still leaving?" Charles asks me as we pull apart.

I nod slowly. "I have to be there for her, I have to" I say and Charles nods but his smile falls.

"You should know that I have been asking around, to find out what really happened, I don't believe Pierre cheated, I think there's more to it. It's happened before, fans try to stage situations out of context" Charles tells me, but it felt like a warning as well.

To make sure I knew what we could be exposed to, if we made it official.

"I don't know what to believe, but let me know what you find out" I say and Charles nods.

"Of course, I will try to get answers tonight, maybe then you don't have to leave?" Charles tries and I smile softly at him.

"Maybe" I say and chuckle.

As if on cue, Charles' phone starts ringing. We both look at the screen and see Max' name.

"Could be our lucky moment" Charles says and answer the phone.

"Hey mate" Charles says and I pull my phone out to see if Lena needed me.

"Yeah come by, we're here" Charles says and I look up confused.

"Daniella and I" Charles says and I chuckle as I hear Max cheer in the phone.

"See you" Charles says and hang up. "Apparently people have been waiting for us to happen" Charles says scratching his neck nervously.

I laugh at his expression. "That's....worrying" I say and chuckle. A knock on the door interrupts our peaceful laughing and Charles shouts 'it's open'.

Max comes in and squeals as he sees us, he gives me a hug. "Congratulations!" He whispers in my ear and I laugh.

"Nothing to congratulate yet" I say and he nods with a smirk. "Hey mate" Max says and bro hugs Charles.

"So, what did you find out?" Charles asks and sits down next to me on the couch.

"Pierre didn't cheat" Max concludes.

"Proof?" I ask knowing Lena would need all the reassurance in the world to believe it.

"I saw him, so you have me as proof" Max retorts. "Explain" I tell him and nods.

"So, Pierre, Alex, Lando, Carlos and I went to the nightclub and this group of models came over, I recognized some of them, they had tried to split Carlos and Isa before, also Lando with Luisa, they do this thing were one of them swoops in, takes one of them by surprise and sometimes kiss them or touch them, then take a picture and use it to contact the girlfriend, they did that with Lena too, right?" Max asks and both Charles and I nod.

"It's not real, I mean they might've kissed Pierre, from my angle I saw him push the girl away, and he literally shouted at them to leave him alone, he was drunk as hell. But nothing happened because Carlos and I got them thrown out of the club" Max explains and I nod taking everything in.

"Can you tell the exact same things you just told us, but to Lena?" I ask Max and he nods.

"Sure, it's the truth" Max says and I nod. "Fine, we got some work to do" I say and stand up.

"Get Pierre to my room, Max you're coming with me" I tell Charles and pull Max with me.

"Yes ma'am" Charles salutes and closes the door after we leave.

I unlock the door and see Lena on the couch. "You're back already? I thought you'd be fuckin—""—I brought Max with me" I interrupt her as I realize what she was about to say.

"I fucking knew it!" Max says with a laugh and I roll my eyes.

"We have something you need to hear" I say and place Max on the chair and Lena sits up confused.

"What is it?" Lena asks confused.

"We need one more here" I say and look at the door awaiting their arrival.

Just as I did, the door opens and Charles walks in first with Pierre behind him.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Lena snaps and tries to get out of the couch.

"Please listen, trust me. I wouldn't do this if there wasn't a possibility that it's worth it" I tell her and she eyes me suspiciously before calming down in her seat.

"Pierre, you don't get to talk. Sit down and listen, neither do you, Lena. Max is the only one talking here" I say and everyone nods.

Charles sits next to Pierre and everyone looks at Max to begin.

Meanwhile as Max repeats his explanation, I take Lena's phone and I find the instagram account that had texted her and sent the pictures, I find their account on my own profile and message them if the pictures were true.

They responded and I got them to admit they faked it. I smirked as Max finished.

"And to top that off, look at this" I say and shove my phone into Lena's hands.

I lean back satisfied without detective work. Charles smirked at me and both him and Pierre came over to look over our shoulders to read the messages.

"Those fucking whores" Lena curses.

"Agreed" I point out and cross my arms.

"So, now that you have the full explanation. We will leave you two to figure this out. Side note to that, if you make up, please don't fuck in my bed" I beg them as I stand up and take my phone back.

I block the bitch on instagram and Charles follows me out as well as Max.

I didn't hear a word from either of the two, so when I closed the door I breathed out in relief.

"Thank you so much, Max. I hope they figure this out" I say with a small groan. Charles comes over wrap his arm around my waist and pull me into his side.

"Of course, I wouldn't want either of you two to leave us" Max says with a smile.

"Tell Kelley I said hi" I say and hug him goodbye.

"Now, what do we do until I get my room back?" I ask Charles with a smirk.

He turns to me pull him into his arms and lean down, as our lips almost connect, I hear a loud shout of my name.

"Daniella! What the fuck!?"

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