Twenty Four

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Charles flipped me on top of him and I felt the large bugle in his underwear as I straddled him.

Almost immediately I felt sober. In the process I had let a moan escape as I felt his boner beneath my heat.

Charles saw the sign as his opportunity and pulled me down to connect our lips.

I deepen the kiss and Charles grabs my hips and grind slowly.

Charles grunted at the slight amount of pleasure our movements created and I moaned in the kisses.

"Let me fuck you" Charles mumbled against my lips. I chuckled as I pulled away and looked down at him.

"Are you really asking me?" I ask him amused and he smirks.

"Please?" Charles said and I smirked at him. "Say that again" I say and sit up straight on his lap.

"Please, Chèrie" Charles said more softly and started to pull the shirt he borrowed me off.

He started kissing down my chest, as my lace bra was in the way, he kissed around my breast.

I moaned at the feeling of his lips on my skin and I arched my back and my hands flew up and tugged his hair.

"Let me fuck you all night" Charles said as his teeth nipped on my skin.

Goosebumps covered my skin and I shivered. I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted him so badly to fuck me all night.

I lifted his chin and crashed my lips onto his and Charles caught on and started to grind against me harder and faster.

I moaned his name and at that, he flipped us over so he was now on top.

I moaned as he kissed down my chest to my stomach, to my inner thighs, he slid a finger over my soaking panties and I moaned at the feeling of his touch.

"Fuck" Charles muttered as he felt how wet I already was. He pulled my panties down by my ankles and kissed my skin softly as he made his way back to my heat.

His index finger dipped into the pool of my wetness and I moaned in relief as I felt him inside of me.

As I adjusted to his fingers, he slid in another finger. He used his thumb to massage my clit and pumped his fingers in and out of me.

I was a moaning mess as he finally came back up to my face, our lips connected and I found myself craving more.

I needed him. I needed to feel him.

Charles caught the hint and smirked down at me as he stripped off his underwear and lined up at my entrance.

"Please" I beg him as he teased me with the tip of his hard dick.

That seemed to be the keyword, Charles slammed into me and I cried out in pain and pleasure.

Charles went slow as I adjusted to his size and quickly caught on when I could take more.

Charles continuously fucked me till I was whimpering that I couldn't take anymore.

Somehow we ended up with four long rounds, lasting hours in each of them.

Charles kept his words and he fucked me all night till the early morning.

Different positions and places in his apartment, I enjoyed every second of it.

I was more sure of Charles' intentions with he and I after this, a one nightstand wasn't four long rounds.

A one nightstand wasn't checking and caring to see how I was doing.

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