Twenty Three

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Hours and hours later, all us girls lead the party. We were so drunk and proceeded to dance for hours.

"Are you ready to go home soon?" Charles asks as he walks up to Luisa and I.

"Home?" I ask confused with a giggle.

"My place" Charles corrects with an eye roll. "I have a hotel room" I say with a smile and put my arms around his neck and Luisa eyes us.

"But you're staying with me tonight" Charles concludes and I give in easily.

"Fuck, you are so whipped" Luisa blurts at Charles and I burst out laughing.

"Don't you need to find Lando?" Charles retorts and Luisa and I look at each other before laughing.

Charles rolls his eyes and grumbles a 'whatever' under his breath.

"It's cute. I can't wait to see your place" I say with a chuckle and smash Charles' lips onto mine.

Charles depends the kiss and pulls me closer to him and holds me firmly. He didn't care who was watching us and frankly neither did I.

As much as I enjoy the kiss we pull away as Isa pulls my arm to get my attention, Carlos beside her.

We pull away and I look at her in confusion.

"It's Lena, she's about to beat some girl up" Isa says and I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"She's about to—what?" I ask confused. Lena was never violent. That was my job.

"Please, just come!" Isa says desperately and I let her guide me to the scene.

I see Lena screaming at a girl and Pierre try to calm her down.

I then see who she's shouting at and I chuckle dryly. I come in from the side and bring my first to the whores face and turn to Lena who smirks at me.

"For the best bitch in the world" I say and blow Lena a kiss.

"You fucking—" I hear the whore from behind me and I turn around and she tries to push me back clumsily and I move out of the way and she falls flat on her face.

I kneel beside her in my heels and lift her head.

"Did that teach you to stay away from people's boyfriends?" I ask her and she nods hurriedly.

"Good girl" I say and pat her head before getting up. The drivers look at me with wide mouths and eyes, while Lena breathed out in relief.

But the girlfriends of the drivers smirks at me, satisfied and proud.

Lena pulls me into a hug and I laugh. "I recognized her" I tell her and she nods.

I let Pierre pull Lena into a hug and I look at my hand and see it's slightly bloodied, not all of it were the girls. Some were mine.

A hand takes my bloodied hand in his and I look up. "Now we're going back to my place" Charles says, I see the glint of pride in his eyes and I smile.

"Alright" I say and give in.

"That's was fucking awesome" both Arthur and Victor says.

"Remind me not to mess with you" Arthur says jokingly and I laugh, before hugging them goodbye.

"I will stay with Charles tonight, once again, please don't fuck in my bed" I tell Lena and Pierre and they nod with a laugh and Pierre hugs me tightly.

"Thank you" He says in my ear and I nod and pat his back before parting.

Charles put his hand on the lower part on my back as we leave the club.

Charles waves quickly to a car and one stops in front of us. He puts his suit jacket around my shoulders and I smile as he helps me in the car.

"Home?" The chauffeur asks and Charles nods.

"You're crazy" Charles says with a laugh as he holds my bloodied hand.

"What was I supposed to do? Lena is not the violent one, she's verbal" I say with a shrug and Charles chuckles.

"Are you staying in Monaco for the break?" Charles asks me as he fiddles with my fingers.

I smile and use my other hand to lift his chin and our eyes meet.

"Do you want me to?" I ask him with a small smile and Charles nods.

"You could stay with me" Charles offers and I chuckle.

"Be careful, I might say yes" I say jokingly and Charles scoffs.

"I want you to say yes" Charles says and my joking face falls.

"Wait really?" I ask. Charles nods and I chuckle.

"Alright, I guess" I say and Charles smiles at me.

Before I know it the car stops and Charles open the door for me, I get out of the car and he leads me to his apartment.

My jaw dropped and Charles felt me stop in my tracks and he turned to me in confusion.

"What is it?" Charles asks confused. "Is this where you live?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah" Charles says with a laugh and pulls me with him. We get to the door to the apartment and he opens with his keys.

He opens the door for me and waits for me to go inside.

"Holy shit" I mumble as I walk in first. Charles chuckles as he follows.

Charles takes off his shoes and I take off my heels and I give him his blazer back.

"You like what you see?" Charles asks me amused as I walked over to his piano.

"Very" I say amazed and turn to him. "Should I find something else for you to sleep in or do you not need it?" Charles asks with a smirk and I roll my eyes playfully.

"A shirt is fine, thank you" I say and laugh as he walks off to find me a t-shirt.

He quickly comes back with a clean white shirt and I take it from his hands and pull him into a kiss.

"You can take my bed, I'll take the couch" Charles says as we pull away for air.

"Why?" I ask confused. "We're dating aren't we? I'm pretty sure I can control myself" I say with a laugh.

"But I'm not sure I can" Charles says in a low voice and my laugh stops.

His eyes darken and he looks down at my lips. "You're drunk" I say and boop his nose and walk around him.

"Doesn't mean I don't want it" Charles says with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, I'm drunk" I state and Charles chuckles.

"I know a few ways to get you to sober up rather quickly" Charles says and moves closer to me.

I gulp as he does so and I feel myself not moving as he walks up to me.

Before he can do anything else, I open my dress and let it fall to my feet.

Charles halts and I smirk at the reaction. His eyes ate me up, I chuckle and put the shirt over my head, it went just above my knees and I blow him a kiss.

"Bedroom?" I ask and Charles clears his throat.

"Last door on the left" Charles says, the tone was off, which meant it had affected him just enough.

I lean down and take my dress in my hands and Charles leads the way to his bedroom.

I walk in behind him and jump in the bed, Charles chuckles, before pulling his shirt over his head, he flexed all his muscles as he did so, teasing me.

I bite my lip as I watch him and he unbuttons his pants and gets in the bed in only boxers, and he turns off the light.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Lorenzi" Charles says as I run my fingers up and down his abs.

"So?" I ask daringly.

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