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I watched the race intensely and I bite my nails as I watch the drivers race around the track.

I had gotten my uniforms and everything I would need for the job at Mercedes, this morning.

I was ready for tomorrow, I just needed to get this race over with.

My nerves were fucking my stomach up. I could barely hold it together.

"You don't look well, are you okay?" Lena asked for the fifth time.

"I'm fine" I tell her once again and she looks at me and doesn't say anything else.

Esteban wins, the race, Lewis finishes P2 and Carlos finishes P3.

I see Charles hit the halo of his car in anger. I tear my eyes away from him and see Pierre hit the steering wheel and then get in position.

They get pictures taken and the three get on the podium and the rest return to their garages.

I stay away from the Ferrari garage, I didn't expect Charles to have nice things to say.

So I dealt with Pierre's.

"You did good" I tell Pierre and Lena nods.

Pierre hugs Lena and I, and I smile. I was relieved he didn't bitch out.

"Let's get out of here" Pierre says.

"Are you two up for celebration tonight?" Pierre asks. Lena and I look at each other and then at Pierre, as we're about to answer Pierre stops us.

"Did I just ask you two that? Of course you are" Pierre says and we smirk at him.

"Good race man" Charles says as he comes up behind me. I jump in surprise and turn my head only to see him smirk at me.

I let my eyes wander to his appearance, his tracksuit was tied around his waist, he wore his fireproof suit that clung tightly against his toned body.

I snap out of my gaze and turn away, but the damage was already done, Charles had seen it.

"Did you make up your mind about tonight?" Charles asks in my ear.

"Yeah" I say and clear my throat.

"We're going to celebrate tonight" I say and Lena squeals in excitement.

"Your loss, Leclerc. She's ours" Lena says sassily.

"Sure, you win this one" Charles says and my jaw drops. Did he just say that?

"I'm too sober for this" Pierre says and facepalms with a deep sigh.

"That's our cue" both Lena and I say with a smirk. "Already? Fuck" Pierre grumbles and grabs his backpack.

"I have my first day tomorrow, so we're starting early so I can be sober for my first day" I say and Lena laughs.

"That's facts"

When we arrive at the hotel, Lena and I get ready together in my room.

"So, now that Pierre has given you the go to fool around with Leclerc, are you gonna?" Lena asks me as she pulls her dress on.

"I don't know, I can't figure him out. Sometimes I feel like he's genuine, but then he proves me wrong" I say and shrug.

"Find out tonight. See what he wants, you chose a party over a date with him, surely he will try to make himself part of your night as well" Lena says and I nod seeing her point.

"True, but in all seriousness, I'm not gonna drink that much and I'm gonna leave earlier than usual" I say and she nods.

"Put this on" Lena says and throws a red satin dress at me. "Really? Red? Lena?" I ask in disbelief and she snorts.

"I didn't even think about that until you said it, hah!" She laughs and I glare at her.

"Not wearing red" I say and throw the dress back at her. No way. "Come on, it's fun. You turned him down and then you show up in his teams colors" Lena says.

I roll my eyes and take the dress back before putting it on. Lena curls my hair into beach waves curls.

I straighten hers and then we find high heels and put them on. A knock on the door gets our attention.

I put my drink down and go to open it as Lena corrects her breast in the dress.

I open the door and see Pierre, I smile and let him in. "Looks good Lorenzi. It's gonna be chaos" Pierre concludes and I smirk satisfied.

"Hey babe" Lena calls out and run up to him and kiss him. "Ew" I comment and take my purse and push the two out of my room.

"Leclerc was keen on picking you up, until I told him you were both in your room" Pierre tells me and I laugh.

"He tries too hard" I comment and Lena chuckles.

"Let's get this party started then!" Lena cheers and we go to the nightclub all the drivers were already at.

We walk in the three of us, I immediately find Luisa on the dance floor. "Hey Lui" I say and hug her. "Hi Dani!" Luisa cheers and hugs me tightly.

"Ready for another round?" Luisa asks with a smirk and refers to the last clubbing we did.

"Born ready" I say and pull her to the bar.

"Where's Lando?" I ask her after ordering drinks and shots.

"He's with Carlos and Charles, Charles had a crisis apparently" Luisa says with a laugh.

"A crisis? The man is a crisis" I comment with a snort.

"That wasn't nicely said" The last mentioned man says from behind us.

"Ahhh, Calvin" I say and turn around with a smile. Luisa spits her drink out and bursts out laughing.

The confident smirk on Charles' face falls as he hears my attempt to say his name.

"Charles" he corrects under his breath and I smile sheepishly.

"Same shit" I say with a shrug and Luisa slaps her thigh. "I'm done. Shit my eyeliner" Luisa curses and tries to wipe the tears.

The drinks are placed in front of Luisa and I.

"Ah, what are we having?" Charles asks and walks up to my drink and takes a taste, he places his free hand on the lower part of my back.

"Hmm, sweet" Charles comments. Luisa mouths a 'what the fuck' and I just chuckle.

"That date, you still owe me one" Charles says as he places the glass back into my hand.

"I don't think that I do" I say and pretend to think back.

"I will find Lando" Luisa says and excuses herself from the hormonal mess Charles seemed to be in.

Charles leaned down to my ear, I feel his soft lips on my sensitive skin.

"You're wearing my colors" Charles half whispers in my ear. "Oh, I am? That's a mistake. I didn't know" I retort and smirk as I see the defeat slapped across his face.

"You're hurting me, Chèrie" Charles says and smirks down at me.

"How so?" I ask and smirk as well, he eyes my lips, then my eyes. I run my tongue quickly over my lips to wet them, his eyes flies to my lips again at my movement

"You drive me crazy, amour" Charles says with a darker look in his eyes.

I cross my legs, Charles' eyes fly to my now exposed skin. "Too bad" I say and smirk.

"Fuck it" Charles says and pull me into a kiss before I can react.

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