Thirty Six

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"Arthur clearly wants us to be together" Charles mumbles with a sigh.

"He's crazy" I mutter and look around to keep an eye on the two Mercedes drivers and Carmen.

"Did you have time to think?" Charles asked me once again. I lock my eyes with his and I sigh.

"I want to talk after this, I'm working right now" I say. "Let's go then. You're off duty if we leave" Charles says and pulls my hand.

"Charles, please" I laugh and resist his pull.

"I don't have time right now, okay? I will find you later" I say and Charles sighs but nods.

"Tell Hamilton to keep his hands off of you, otherwise I will remove them myself" Charles grumbles.

I raise an eyebrow and remember Lewis' words. "Are you jealous?" I ask him.

Charles glares at me. Not even denying it a little bit.

"You're cute" I say and kiss his cheek before leaving.

I assist Lewis and Carmen in a talk with sponsors and George is off with other members.

After a few hours all us ladies meet up at the bar.

"Fuck I'm so tired" Kelley curses and leans against the counter.

"Same" I say with a tired moan.

"Stop moaning, you're at a ball filled with horny business men" Lena scolds me and I laugh at her.

We all look at each other before ordering drinks. We had promised the drivers to keep it down tonight.

"I will tell Charles my answer after this" I tell Lena and Luisa. "What is your answer? Out of pure curiosity, of course" Luisa asks.

"I will decide when he explains to me how he intends to make me trust that he won't leave again" I say and the two girls nod.

"Are we having girls night tomorrow?" Kelley asks butting into the conversation.

"Sure, I have a little work to do, but I could make that work. Besides we're all here, let's do it!" I say and we ask all F1 girlfriends if they're up for it.

Everyone joins in.

I smile as we gather in a group all of us and talk while sipping drinks.

George runs discretely up to me and I turn to him. "That guy over there?" He asks me sheepishly. I look where he points and give him a few pointers and the names.

"You're a life saver" George says and runs off.

"What would they do without you?" Lena snorts and I chuckle.

"I truly don't know" I joke and sip my glass of champagne.

"Kel? Are you ready to go?" Max suddenly comes up and asks. We all turn to him and he freezes.

"Did I interrupt something?" Max asks uncomfortable with all the eyes on him.

"No, no. I'm coming" Kelley says and Max smiles before getting her coat.

Kelley hugs is all goodbye. During the night we had posed for a few pictures.

It was a good night. "Miss Lorenzi, are you ready to leave yet?" Charles asks as he comes up to me.

It was clear he had a few drinks. But he wasn't drunk.

"I think I'm leaving with Lewis" I say and smile. Charles glares at me.

"That's not even funny" he retorts and I raise an eyebrow. "Well, do you see me laughing?" I ask him confused.

Why couldn't I leave with Lewis? I got here with him.

"As I said I'm working tonight, I can't leave before the drivers" I say reminding Charles that I had a job to do.

"Right, I will wait for you then" Charles says and I nod before he leaves.

"If all the sponsors weren't here, he would have dragged your ass out of here" Isa says and I laugh.

"Probably" I say with a chuckle.

The rest of the night goes with helping George and Carmen, a few times Lewis too.

I kept talking to the sponsors and not once did I stand alone.

Lewis was by my side most of the night and made me meet the most important sponsors as well.

The evening went by and by the end of it, I found Charles.

I touch his arm softly and smile at the man he talked to, he looked at me immediately.

"Are you ready?" Charles asks me and I nod with a smile.

"Excuse us, it was great seeing you tonight" Charles and takes my hand in his before we walk away.

"Charles? Are you dating this woman? Is she the one you announced four months ago?" A lady reporter asks.

Charles and I just smile at each other without answering the questions.

Charles lifts my dress a little, so I don't step in it as we walk down the concrete stairs.

"You two look lovely! Such as gentleman!" she calls after us. "She got that right" I snicker and Charles chuckles at me.

He opens his car door for me and I get and he walks around it and get in the driver seat.

"So, what was the whole deal with me leaving with Lewis?" I ask Charles and cross my legs.

"You said we would talk tonight" Charles says defensively. But I think he was jealous.

"And?" I ask and look at him. "And nothing. That's it" Charles says and I snort.

"You can't even admit it, can you?" I tease him. He knew exactly what I was talking about, yet he seemed to try and play it off.

"Admit what?"

"Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc, admit it. You were jealous" I say and cross my arms with a smirk.

"I'm seriously gonna kill Arthur for telling you my full name" Charles grumbles and I laugh at him.

"Don't change subject. Tell me, say it" I insist and Charles rolls his eyes.

"Fine. I was jealous, now give me the answer" Charles says and pulls out on the road.

"I will, but there's one thing I need you to do" I say and at those words, Charles starts sliding his hand up my thigh while removing the satin fabric up.

"Not that, Leclerc. I'm serious" I say and smack his hand away.

"Alright, alright. What do you need me to do?" He asks and I look at him.

"How do you want me to trust you again? How can I trust that you won't leave again? If things get hard, people usually stay together, they don't abandon each other" I say all serious now.

Charles sighs and I see the shame plastered across his face. "I know" He says and looks ahead as he drives, he slows down and parks in the nearest empty parking lot.

"I'm never leaving you again. I found my person. I thought I could stay away, but I can't. I will never willingly leave you, I want to be there for everything. Everything that might come our way, every problem, accident or whatever life throws at us. I want you" Charles says and take my hands in his.

My heart beats wildly at his words. A fluttering feeling in my stomach.

I'm speechless and realize I hadn't answered to his words. "Daniella, talk to me" Charles begs, I see the tears in his eyes and realize how touched he became just by talking about it.

I reach over and caress his cheek. I lean in and he does as well as I hold his jaw softly.

Our lips connect in a loving and soft manner. It was filled with lust and need. It was filled with love and tenderness.

"I want you"

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