Thirty Five

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6 chapters left after this one 🥺

I wake up and go to the gym, I meet up with Lena and force her to workout with me.

"So you guys fucked in the elevator?" Lena asks with a shriek.

"We did" I say while panting as I run on the treadmill.

"Are you gonna get back together?" Lena asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know. I still love him, but how can I trust him after what he did? How can I count on him to be there when times are rough?" I ask and she nods understandingly as she runs beside me.

"I get that, but I think he learned from his mistake. He's serious about you and I'm not gonna tell you how I know this, but he's talking about his future and you're it, honey" Lena says and I frown.

"He is? I am?" I question confused. We never talked about our future.

"He is" Lena confirms. "I think I will talk to him later tonight" I say and she smiles.

"Good, but after the ball, right?" Lena asks I nod with a chuckle.

"Of course" I say.

Lena and I run for twenty more minutes and then we return to my room.

Pierre had lots of preparations for tonight so Lena was free all day, so we spent it by getting ready, shaving, picking outfits and jewelries and makeup looks.

Luisa comes after a few hours and we all help each other get ready.

I had to memorize every single sponsor for the two Mercedes drivers when I had to help them.

So meanwhile Luisa did my hair and Lena did my nails.

I thanked them when I was done and started applying makeup and the dress.

It was nearly time to leave. I checked my phone, I gave Charles my new number last night after the episode in the elevator.

He had texted me a bit throughout the day. But he tried to give me my space.

"Are you two ready?" Lena asks and I nod before standing up as well.

Luisa hooks her arms with mine and Lena's before we walk out of my room with our purses and walk towards the lobby.

All of the drivers had special cars to drive to make a dramatic entrance at the ball.

"Dani, you're with me" Lewis calls out and I walk up to him, first I say hi to Pierre and then goodbye to them.

"I'm ready" I say as I join George, Carmen and Lewis.

"I memorized every sponsor in that room, so if you need to know anything, just find me. I'll help you out" I tell them and they nod.

"Good, you look great guys" I tell the three with a smile.

"So do you, Dani" Lewis says and I smile at him.

"Alright, let's go" I say and the four of us find our cars. Lewis brought me as his plus one, but I was supposed to be there for work anyways.

"Is Leclerc gonna be pissy that you don't drive with him?" Lewis asks me as we get in the Mercedes.

"No, he's not the jealous type" I say and shrug it off as we take off.

"Oh, Dani. You have no idea how wrong you are" Lewis says and I raise an eyebrow confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You will see" Lewis retorts and I groan. "Come on, don't be like that" I whine.

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