Thirty Four

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I cleaned up and put my clothes back on as well as Charles did in silence.

I didn't know what to say. "Dani? Are you okay?" Charles asks me softly and kiss my shoulder.

I don't move from his kiss, but I don't know what to feel.

"It's just...I need to think" I say and turn to him fully. Charles nods and takes my hands in his.

"I understand. Feel free to air your thoughts or needs whenever you want" Charles says slightly joking and I chuckle.

"I don't know what came over me, I'm so—""—Chèrie, never apologize for wanting me. Not even if it was just in the moment" Charles says and I smile in relief.

"Can I give you a ride to the hotel?" Charles asks me.

"Oh I drove myself, but thank you" I say and look at the time. "Oh I need to leave. I have a thing tonight" I say and rush to the door as I grab my bag and things along the way.

"What thing?" Charles asks following me. "A thing" I reply and lock my door after he walks out.

"I'm gonna keep pestering you, are you seeing someone?" Charles asks and follows me out of the Mercedes building.

"No, I am not. I'm meeting with Lena and Luisa" I say with a small laugh.

"Thank god" Charles mutters under his breath as he follows me to my car.

"Do you hate me still?" Charles asks me as we stand by my Mercedes.

"I might be hating you a little less" I say and wink at him before getting in my car.

I wave at him as I drive away, leaving him there by the Ferrari he had gotten for the week.

I get to the hotel and hurriedly shower and change. I look at the time and curse. I was late.

I text Lena that I'm on my way and drive to the restaurant. Both of them were there when I arrived.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late" I say and hug the girls and sit down.

"Got caught up in work?" Lena asks and I clear my throat. "Something like that yeah" I say and flashes of Charles and I in my office replays on my brain.

"What's that look? What did you do?" Luisa asks me and I smile innocently.

"Nothing. Nothing, let's order" I say and wave at the waiter. We order our foods and drinks but as soon as the waiter leaves Lena scans me.

"You had sex" Lena says and I chuckle. "With who!?" Luisa asks.

"Well...." I say and trail off. "Wait—I thought you just left work? You fucked someone at work?" Lena blurts out and hit her thighs in excitement.

"Can we talk about something else please?" I ask awkwardly and remind them we're in public.

"Charles was asking around for you today" Lena says and look at me with suspicion.

"You fucked him" Luisa concludes. When I don't say anything the two shrieks in excitement.

"Well, we talked! Okay? We got everything out there, I got the answers I needed, he got his. That's all" I say and the two gives me a really look and I roll my eyes.

"And maybe—maybe! As we were arguing, we maybe kind of fucked in my office a bit" I say playing it off as a casual small thing.

"Oh my god" Lena blurts.

"I swear, If I didn't have a boyfriend...." Luisa mumbles and I laugh at her as Lena slaps her shoulder.

"So how was it? What is status with you?" Lena asks wanting all the details.

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