Forty One

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Authors note/
Last chapter guys...I hope you will enjoy it!

I was out of the hospital the next day, I spent it at the Ferrari garage, watching the race.

I sat calmly in the chair and watched the screens. Keeping an eye on both Charles and Pierre.

Both made it, Charles got a podium and Pierre finished P4.

Charles ran into the garage and hoisted me up from my seat, in surprise I held onto him for dear life.

He crashed his lips onto mine and I brought my arms around his neck.

"I love you" Charles whispered with a smile. "And I love you" I say and lean my forehead against his.

"I'm so proud of you" I say and he smiles. "Go get that trophy, baby" I say and smirk.

He kisses me one last time before running off. Lena and Pierre comes up to me afterwards and we walk to the crowd covering the podium.

I stood in the back. Charles pointed his index finger to the sky and then to me and shot me a wink.

I blew him a kiss and smiled. Lena put her arm over my shoulder and pulled me into her side.

"How did we get so lucky?" Lena asks and I smile at her. "I don't know" I say and watch as Charles,
Lewis and Max spray champagne at each other.

Afterwards Charles runs down to me again. "I got a few interviews now, but celebration after?" Charles asks me and I nod.

"Of course" I say and kiss him. Charles smiles in the kiss and as we pull away he's hugging his teammates once again

"He's so whipped" Pierre said with a snort. I hit his shoulder. "Ow!"


Charles and I celebrated our two year anniversary and Charles had planned a loving proposal.

I said yes of course.

We bought our first house together.

After a few months in our official relationship I had basically moved in, I didn't leave afterwards.

Charles was my home.

I continued working for Mercedes and Charles and I made it work.

Three months after our engagement announcement, I found out I was pregnant.

Which was scaring the shit out of me, I didn't know if Charles wanted it and now of all times.

He had won three world champion titles. He was on a roll, now wasn't a good time, or so I thought.

Charles was more than happy and tried to be there more than he already was.

He made the pregnancy easier. With a boy coming into our lives.

We named him Jules Lorenzi Leclerc.

Big blue eyes, chest nut brunette hair. Real charmer.

Six months after the birth of Jules, we had our wedding. We had a huge wedding in Monte Carlo, every driver, family member and friends came.

Jules was a hit, he charmed everyone on his way, Charles and I loved our little family.

I was happier than ever. So was Charles. He wanted nothing more than of course more kids...but other than that he was fulfilled and happy.


Authors note:
This was the last chapter guys! With the happy ending! Hope you liked it!!

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