Twenty Eight

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"Dani?" Pierre calls out. He sees my face and pull both Lena and I into a hug.

"I don't want to see him" I tell Pierre and pull away, Pierre looks at me before nodding.

He turns and stops Charles in his tracks. "Don't" Pierre says and put his hand in Charles' chest to stop him.

"Fuck off" Charles scoffs before pushing past. "Don't touch me" I tell Charles as a warning, before taking another swig of the vodka bottle.

"What did she do? What did she say?" Charles asks hurriedly, almost guilty.

I chuckle dryly "From your reaction, I'm guessing the truth?" I suggest.

"Talk to me, what did she say?" Charles begs and tries to take my hands, but I pull away.

"I said don't touch me" I repeat and he steps back. He looked like a hurt puppy.

I hated it. I wasn't the bad guy.

"Tell me what happened between the two of you" I demand from Charles and his eyes drop in realization.

"She came to me, today, after Lena pushed me out of your room. She kissed me, I pushed her off. I promise! I pushed her off" Charles insists and tries to move closer to me, but I move out of his way.

"Did you give her a key to your room?" I ask him and finally look him in the eyes.

Guilt flashes in his eyes and I feel tears pushing through.

"No" I whisper and shake my head no. I couldn't believe it.

"You did" I cry. Lena tries to hold me, but Pierre stops her.

"I didn't, she already had the key, but it's not what you think" Charles said panicked as he heard what it sounded like.

"I can't deal with this. I just can't" I say and get off of the table. I grab the bottles and harshly pull out of Charles grip on me, as he tried to pull me back.

"Get off of me!" I shout at him. Lena pulls out of Pierre's arms and runs after me.

We walk out of the club and I cry silently as we walk.
"I'm so sorry" Lena says and side hugs me. We stop on the sidewalk and I let her hug me.

I sob on her shoulder and she holds onto me for her dear life. Lena waves at someone and before I know it, a car pulls up beside us and Lena helps me inside the car and the chauffeur takes off.

I cling onto the bottles of alcohol as Lena holds me. "I lost" I say with a cry.

"It wasn't a game" Lena whispers. I cry harder.

The chauffeur pulls up at the hotel and we get in without being bothered.

Lena and I sleep in my room and made sure everything was locked, so no one could come in.

"I love you" Lena tells me as she wipes off my makeup. "It's gonna be okay" Lena says and I nod with fresh tears on my face.

Lena helps me change into pajamas and we get in the bed. I hug her tightly.

Our phones are buzzing and ringing for the next three hours.

Multiple people had knocked on my door and shouted at us to open. Pierre, Kelley, Lando, Charles and Luisa had tried.

But only Luisa was let in, which lead to Luisa cuddling in bed with us.

"I'm so sorry, I should have told you the details about their breakup" Luisa apologized.

"No, he should have. Even after tonight I still don't know, all I know is that I can't trust him" I whisper.

"Charles and Charlotte have a long past, their families are friends, so eventually they got together. Charlotte was controlling Charles and took advantage of him, she used him for fame and his money, Charles proposed to her last year, she said no, but kept the ring. He found out she had cheated multiple times during their relationship" Luisa tells me.

I listen carefully and my heart almost—almost! Breaks even more for him.

"He snapped, he broke it off with her, but were forced to stay friends due to their families being friends and with the gatherings, they had to keep it a secret and pretend" Luisa finishes.

"Charlotte is sneaky, but I'm not sure how much of what she said is true" Luisa admits.

"It's good to know. But it's over, we weren't even a real couple. It's over" I say and Luisa nods with a sad expression.

"I hate this, I want to go and beat him up" Lena says angrily.

"Hey, I'm the violent one, not you" I remind her attempting to make a joke.

The two girls chuckles and soon enough Lando calls Luisa asking where she went.

"I'm with her now. Please ask the guys to let her be. Tell Charles to give up" Luisa says softly in the phone.

"I can't, Lando. I'm staying here tonight. They need me" Luisa says and I squeeze her hand.

"Charles? Give Lando the phone back!" Luisa suddenly half shouts. I freeze and listen.

Charles freaks out on Luisa, speaking French and Italian, shouting things neither of us understood.

"Yeah, go talk to Pierre or perhaps someone who understands what the hell you're saying" Luisa retorts and I chuckle.

Lena holds me and Luisa squeezes my hand. "Give her time, Charles" Luisa says and hang up.

"He said he's not gonna give up" Luisa says and frowns.

"He can't get in, so fuck him" I retort. The three of us lay down properly and the two girls sandwich me.

We fall asleep, me with wet eyes, fresh tears still running.

I couldn't believe it. I had work tomorrow and I had to deal with such a shit show. I wasn't ready.

Not even when I woke up.

I wanted nothing more than to die on the spot.

The three of us get ready to go to the track and as we opened my door to leave, a body crashed into mine and pushed me back inside the room.

I stumble, but the person holds me firmly. "Talk to me, please" Charles begs me.

"Charles! Get out!" Lena shouts at him. "Please, Dani. Hear me out, I'll do the talking, please. Just listen, please" Charles begs me.

"You have five minutes till I have to be in the car" I say and the two girls close the door and stand in the doorway not leaving me alone with him.

"I didn't do anything I shouldn't have with Charlotte, I swear. She came to me last night when I left, she already had a key to my room, I don't know how but I didn't give it to her! I swear! I placed the extra key I had for you, right there" Charles says and points to the tv table where the key card with his room number was indeed laying.

"She did kiss me, but I pushed her off of me and got her thrown out of the lobby. She shouted that she would come to my room tonight, that she could show me a good time compared to you" Charles explains hastily.

"I didn't cheat, that's not me. I realize what my reputation was like, but I never cheated. Never! And I like to believe that we are more than just a fling" Charles says and I stand there to think about what he said.

Should I believe it?

"I have the footage from the lobby, everything got caught. You can watch it if you want, I'll do anything for you to believe me" Charles says and shoves his phone into my hands.

He presses play on the screen and I sigh as watch the video.

I see him walking out of the elevator. Charlotte is at the front desk and as she sees him she runs up to him.

She says something and Charles' face told me that he was uncomfortable with her.

Suddenly she went for it and grabbed his face, Charles pried her fingers and lips off of him and shoved her back slightly.

There was no sound in it, but I could see he was shouting at her.

She showed the key card to his room and Charles' face grew confused.

Next thing I see is the security guard escorting her out of the hotel.

The video stops and I look up at Charles, not knowing what to say or do.

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